Awesome Garden Updates Then Killing Summer Frost

in #homesteading7 years ago

We are striving to become self sufficient and fully off the grid on a budget. We are sharing our videos with you since we moved to our new homestead on 18 acres of land. This will give you the background to our story.

When we get you caught up, we will continue to share our daily videos and articles as we write them.

We put in two large gardens already and the food was growing well. We had been eating almost entirely from our own garden, eating our own chicken and fish, and using our own herbs for cooking. Things were going very well.

The zucchini, peas and beans were bearing a lot of fruit. Our potatoes and onions were feeding us as well. The tomatoes and peppers were going to ripen soon.

Then we had a killing frost in August. This wiped out most of our garden sadly. This was unexpected and not at all planned. The weather forecast we get is from outside town. The weather station is on the other side of town from us and there are two large lakes which affect the weather there.

We have now learned that we get night time lows about ten degrees F lower than what they get in town.

Watch the full video here:

Please Subscribe & follow my daily YouTube videos

Read my articles at The Do It Yourself World

The Do It Yourself World

NOTE: Please ignore the comments from trolls below which are sure to follow.


  • They post some pretty bad lies about us in hopes of turning people against us.

  • I had blocked them on YouTube for harassing people and they found me here.

  • They are seeking vengeance now.

  • Do not engage the trolls for your own safety.

Thank you


Please ignore the trolls below.

They plagiarize my own work and then spam my blog with their links for their own profit

They edit my videos and make photos as "evidence" to turn people against me.

Please do not follow their links. Dont give them credit.

Reid you wonder why you have problems could it be that you lied about living in your illegal Tiny Tar Paper Shack back in Pine Bush even after being told by the city you could not.

proof troy has lied all along about not breaking any laws. He told them he didn't live in it to skirt the laws but we have proof he actually did live in it. He even had his ten ton lawyer Molly Dolly admit he can't live in it legally

Please ignore the trolls below.
They plagiarize my own work and then spam my blog with their links for their own profit
They edit my videos and make photos as "evidence" to turn people against me.
Please do not follow their links. Don't give them credit.
SOUNDS like a lot of E begging, lying and a cover up going on here in this statement

Has anyone watched this pathetic shit?
Trogers WTF is this you’re showing to the world, your brain is fried boy, you’re fucked!

*Troy you are voting for yourself again*

@thediyworld, Reid, the people at .sucks are saying that your story about getting a deer yesterday is bogus. Again, no proof of anything.

And so is your excuses about not being able to say the word "pain" and "deer" and "shoot" and "butcher" when talking about deer hunting.

There are many YouTube shows that feature deer hunting that have no problem saying and showing the things you intentionally avoided and some even have many sponsors too.

Not you.
Always excuses.
No credibility.

He does not live there so how could he go back to save his pitiful garden? Mom and Pops is a 2 hour drive away.

That is fine. I would not expect you guys to believe anything I do anyway.

If you do not like us that is fine.

If you do not even believe us that is fine.

We make FREE YouTube videos for your entertainment.

But you harassing us in the real world and online is criminal.

we are only calling you out for lying and scamming. No harassment from us, just the truth and we are protected by law for speaking the truth. The fact it might effect your standing on steemit or in your community or your paycheck is totally the fault of your lies.

Troy films crap for days at a time with no content but he kills a deer and doesn't have 20 minutes of video showing the kill and dressing it out and butchering it and prepping it for the on grid freezer?????? Did not happen.

"They post some pretty bad lies about us in hopes of turning people against us."
"They" post fact from your YT videos.

"I had blocked them on YouTube for harassing people and they found me here."
You blocked "them" because they exposed you as a scammer, liar, fraud and ebeggar.

They are seeking vengeance now.
"They" are here to stop you from scamming and ebegging from new potential victims.

"Do not engage the trolls for your own safety."
Do not engage the lying ebeggar for your own financial safety.

Thank you

All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you do not like us that is fine.

If you do not believe us that is fine.

But harassing us online and in the real world is criminal

*Troy you are voting for yourself again*

Reid's constant obstructions of the truth is getting tiresome.

This video included.

Whining and blaming the death of the garden on a mid-summers killer frost.

No, the gardens died from his ineptness and poor choices due to his goal to remain unemployed and unemployable for sympathy donations.

His garden fails and his projects remain incomplete because he's on the computer deleting unfavourable comments on his Youtube channel. Now he's here on Steemit - for at least - 16 hours a day pumpimg out this garbage!

did you notice the bananas and other fruit on the breakfast table? Yep, not dependent on the grocery store one bit. Lies starting early in the morning and continuing ten minutes later when he starts his steemit 12 hour denial of everything he videos

You are so UNREAL!!!

It is impossible to fake a killing frost like that overnight.

Get REAL!!!!

Get a life!!!

You are showing your true and insane colors by trying to say I faked a frost over the earth.

you work hard staying away from work. Do you also get foodstamps and wick? Thought so.

I work hard for my money by the way.

Leave my family alone.

Your constant harassment is criminal

You wouldn't know what hard work was if it bit you in the ass. You call attacking trolls on the Internet hard work. You live in your own little world, Troy.

YOU are attacking ME!!!

I am here on my own blog.

You will never see me harassing anyone else anywhere online.

you work hard staying away from work. Do you also get foodstamps and wick? Thought so.

Nice! Using my own work for your profit.

whats good for the goose.... you know the

Reid has this ridiculous claim of the "Lake Effect" influencing his weather far worse than what is experienced in the city of Lewiston.

What lake?
The shallow private lake where you refuse to carry or wear personal floatations devices and register the motorized boat?

This ploy of his was also repeated when he lived in New York.
It always made for some great drama.

Then there is his trusty weather station.
The one that crapped out at 2F the other day.


Hey your comments yesterday you said you were allowed to harvest 10 deer this season. Could you please point me to where on the Internet where you or anyone else can purchase a license that will allow you to harvest 10 deer?

Look it up. You seem to be good at looking things up.

Ah yes. I found it. Yes. You can harvest 10 deer. Here's to hoping you do!!

Reid has this ridiculous claim of the "Lake Effect" influencing his weather far worse than what is experienced in the city of Lewiston.

What lake?
The shallow private lake where you refuse to carry or wear personal floatations devices and register the motorized boat?

This ploy of his was also repeated when he lived in New York.
It always made for some great drama.

Then there is his trusty weather station.
The one that crapped out at 2F the other day.


Lewiston has two very lard and deep lakes. I am far from any lakes, ponds or streams.

Yes - a lake can affect the weather.

And yes - elevation can affect the weather.

And yes - location can affect the weather.

@thediyworld, You Do NOT have "Lake Effect"

You Do NOT have "elevation".

You Do NOT have "location".

You have Chicken Little syndrome.

@thediyworld Those relatively small bodies of water have a minimal effect on the temperatures. It’s nothing compared to the Great Lakes, for example. Your shitty weather station and the way you set it up gives you consistently wrong temperatures at your property, but you don’t bother correcting it because you can use your ridiculous “lake effect” argument as an excuse for your whining and moaning about the brutally hot or intensely cold conditions that you claim you have. There was a frost warning for that night, but you either didn’t know about it or you ignored it. Either way, you’re an incompetent and fake off-gridder.

If my food supply depended on my garden I would not be caught off guard by a frost when a simple sheet or tarp can extend the growing season for weeks. He gets next to nothing from the garden so it wasn't worth worrying about

You guys are so dumb that you contradict your own selves.

So on one comment you guys say that we did NOT have a freeze and I faked it all.

On another comment you guys say I knew it would freeze and let it happen for pity.

What a mess!!!

Grow up

Get a life

Stop harassing my family.

No, you are the one who thinks we are all the same. You say "YOU GUYS" when in reality we are many different people who do not swap notes. I personally don't think you killed your own garden. You're not ambitious enough to do something like that. You're just too lazy and let it any master Michigan gardener would.

Yeah, like my neighbors too huh

Yeah, they were too lazy to cover their garden too, Troy. Birds of a feather flock together.

-Troy you are voting yourself

7:30 AM and Troy is posting to SteemIt when he could be deer hunting. What a shame.

I am working. The shame is you wasting your life trolling and harassing my family.

Reid is working hard trolling himself and giving himself up votes.
This is his new job. next stop the off grid homeless shelter.

THIS IS NOT WORK. This is you wrestling with your own paranoia and mental illness. THIS IS NOT WORK. Get a clue Troy. You only have a few days to hunt deer. Morning is the best time to harvest deer...and you are inside chatting it up on StreamIt where you have more trolls following you than anyone else. Does that make sense? You really aren't very bright.

I make a living online. Its what I do.

You can rant and rave all you want against it but you are not going to change the facts.

You can shout till you are blue in the face but it wont change the fact that I make a living online.

But you harassing me is criminal.

You live like an unemployed third world refugee. You improved the standard of living of Philippines-born Melanie only marginally. That's not something to be proud of. That's something that should make you embarrassed.

We have a cozy warm home.

We have hot and cold running water.

We have all the electricity we (need).

We have two houses.

We provide most of our own food.

We have power and heat if the power goes out.

I think we are doing well.

More lies Mr Reid. You are living in a glorified shed and a trailer, these are not houses.

You do not have enough solar panels for the power required to run a stove your coffee machine shower etc. All require a lot more power than you can harvest. That pitiful garden would not sustain a family for more than two weeks.

Nearing the end of my working week $1600 the richer and paying for your benefits and Obamacare.

Michelle will be very proud of her Father an ebegging scammer living off Paypal donations and a pittance from You Tube.

we are watching your living conditions and unless you only live off grid (95%, your words not mine) durring filming then you are living like a pauper. Now you say you have hot and cold running water- I thought you didn't use the water heater and were fixing to shut off the well pump

Danielle says your parents are footing the bill for your family. Evidently this "JOB" isn't really working out for you.

@thediyworld. Pointing out your descepencies and your contradictions is not a waste.

It may help at least one, unsuspecting vulnerable person from your lies.

Plus, your family is not being harassed.
You brought them into all this, unsuspectingly.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you do not like us or believe us - simply leave.

But harassing us like this is criminal

We agree you make video's pimping your wife and child and of you lying your ass off for click bait.

Troy Reid of The Do It Yourself World and The Off Grid Project. How can you do all that work and all those projects at the homestead and spend all day on Steemit? You must be here for at least 16 hours a day! How can this be?

See I can do all that search optimization. Google Troy Reid stemmit and see what dross floats to the top!

No Troy, when you have a real job and make 6 figures you can afford to spend time online calling out people like you who are habitual liars.

@martingardner, Reid @thediyworld could be cutting up the alleged deer too, but he will "Do it Later".

Bet we never see any of it on his failing YouTube channel.
Just like the extension cords!

You have showed us your method before 'member?

That is correct. YouTube is filtering too much these days so NO - you are not going to see it. Most of my viewers do not want to see it.

You can believe me or not. I dont care.

but the bedinni crap keeps flowing as though your viewers really want to see it. I call bullshit on you not wanting to show the deer. That is a major part of off gridders. Even you can't possibly believe the lies you spit out. Short bus I'm sure.



Mr Reid showing his christian side again. Are we getting to you Troy?

Hey Trogers,
There’s no one more nasty, vile, or sick than you.
What with your Skanky Asian Melon Head wife you got your subs to pay for and your two little boys you take onto an island camping, then into the woods when Mellie is about to drop the kid, not to mention the TJ scandal that’s still rocking the world!
I don’t think you are in any position to call anyone nasty, vile, or sick do you?

Mae the Filth Be With You!


what year was this taken?


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