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RE: Finally Got Peg Board For My Off Grid Wood Shop

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

It is on this sad day the 27th of December 2017 that I thedarkdestroyer discover that .sucks has been concluded.
. sucks has decided to quit on a high as Trog circles the sewer, his time is limited.
We thank thee Lord for the short time we have had over there and to all those that created the .sucks forum.
Special thanks to our beloved Sassy and Old Codge go without saying.
On a lighter note there is a saying that as one door closes another one opens, we will say no more for now!
It seems only fitting to say a little prayer for all the work .sucks has done as we rejoice and look forward to the future.

( I will miss everyone from .sucks and would like to take this last opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year!)

Taken from the book of Troy, written by The Memory of Joy

And on that day, Troy Reid ascended the Mound of Garbage to earnestly entreat the Lord, for he had no dinar in his purse with which to feed his wife and child.
“I beseech thee Lord, for I need sustenance but I will not toil among the slaves, and my knee preventeth me from laboring in the homestead.”
And the Lord appeared unto Troy Reid and said, “take there a pallet of wood from among the multitude in your junkyard…no, not the blue ones you stole in the land of New York.” And Troy found himself a goodly piece, full of worm holes and covered in mouse droppings.
And the Lord instructed Troy Reid, “Inscribe upon the pallet all the words of your 1000-miles-per-hour brain, and I will pay unto thee one shekel per comment. Then distribute the pallets among the multitude to read, and I will further multiply thee one shekel for every view and comment from the people.”
And Troy was overjoyed and did grin from ear-to-ear, for he envisioned wealth beyond measure without doing honest sweat labor. And he called his wife Melanie, who came dragging their child in a bassinet of plastic. And Troy handed her the laser engraver and she did plug it into a wall socket, for they were not off-grid. And Troy instructed her to inscribe thereupon the pallet wood all the words of his fevered brain. And Troy did fold his hands to nap, for it was well with him.
And when word spread among the town, there arose a cry and all the people did mock Troy Reid. And one of the elders called out, “that was not the Lord, you fool! That was the town jester, dressed in white raiment with powder upon his beard!” And the multitude of the town pressed upon Troy Reid, and cried out as one, “GET A JOB, YOU BUM!”
But Troy repented not of his sloth and cried aloud, “leave me alone!” And the townspeople called upon the congregation of .sucks, who published all the filthy deeds of Troy Reid near and far upon the internet. And Troy was sore vexed, for there were none that believed him. And he did whine incessantly, even unto this day. Amen.

A second reading is also from the book of Troy, written by The Memory of Joy

And it came to pass on that day in the land of Michigan, that Troy W. Reid, a man slouching in stature and grey of tooth, dwelt in the city of Lewiston. And Troy was troubled greatly, for his Youtube income was dwindling and his Patreon supporters were abandoning him. So upon that day Troy ascended the Mound of Garbage and earnestly sought The Lord.
And the whining and complaining of Troy reached the ears of The Lord, and The Lord cringed at the sound of his voice. “Why hast thou sought Me, Troy?” The Lord inquired of him.
“Trolls have encompassed me round about and hampered my labors, for I have been tilling the garden since dawn, building a greenhouse, repairing small engines, generating free energy from my Bedini device, and inventing a cooling system for computers,” Troy replied.
And the words of Troy were vexing unto The Lord, for he knew Troy was lying through his rotten teeth. “It is I who have sent the trolls against thee O Troy, for thou art a despicable, cunning, lying vile creature.”
And Troy of Lewiston curled his lower lip into a pout and held his camo-covered bible aloft and said, “It is not my fault O Lord, for even the church brethren have become false accusers and come before the elders with charges of lying.”
And the anger of The Lord was kindled anew against Troy, and he declared, “As was written in the Book of .Sucks, GET A JOB YOU BUM!”
But Troy repented not of his deeds and attempted to delete all the words of The Lord.
As was spoken by the prophet Spork, The Lord sent 10 plagues, even 11 plagues did he send unto Troy W. Reid – Plague of ticks; Plague of mosquitoes; Plague of lightning/wind; Plague of bigfoots; Plague of coyotes; Plague of mice; Plague of raccoons; Plague of nightly vandals; Plague of chipmunks; Plague of wasps; and lastly but not leastly, Plague of Trolls.
And Troy persisted, proclaiming, “Have I not transported pedophiles across state lines in Your name? Have I not bundshafted without fail every Wednesday? Have I not rode minibikes through mud with teenage boys in Your name?
And The Lord relented not of his anger against Troy, and did multiply trolls and wasps against him, and many were directed to the .sucks website and were converted. And the last days of Troy W. Reid were spent upon a park bench, as was spoken of by the prophet Danielle.
The Spirit is moving today…
A previous chapter from the Book of Joy:
And it came to pass in the year of our Lord 2016, that a blight was upon all the land of New York, even unto the town of Pine Bush, on account of one Troy Reid, a man gaunt and sickly, with a countenance like unto that of a ghoul.
And Troy did accumulate unto himself pallets and all manner of scrap wood, and weed whackers and tractors and automobiles and wood stoves and tires and all manner of broken, worthless junk, for it pleased Troy greatly to be wallowing in trash. And the Lord saw all that Troy did, and did curse the ground, that it bear him no harvest and his garden did wither.
And Troy ventured unto the land of the Phillipines, and there he took unto himself a female slave called Mae, appearing as unto a wife. And Troy knew her not. And Troy did hire a laborer, a man clothed in diapers, for it vexed Troy to do honest labor.
And in those days Troy did lie and scam upon all the viewers of Youtube for a space of five years. And many were those who donated all manner of gifts unto Troy; tools and silver and labor. And Troy thanked them not, for he was a man of great avarice and a narcissist, and the enemies of Troy multiplied in the land.
And Troy did trouble all the inhabitants of Pine Bush and the community of Youtube. The townspeople of Pine Bush murmured among themselves, and entreated The Lord that He might drive Troy from their midst.
And the Lord heard their cries, and sent a calamity upon the homestead, and the landholder, one Marcia Wright, did evict Troy from the premises. And Troy blamed the trolls, even unto Doc the elder did he blame. So the Lord drove Troy out into the wilderness and he settled in the land of Michigan. Here Troy pressed upon his mother and father, saying, “I pray thee, buy me this parcel of land that I might dwell therein, for my slave is with child and I refuse to pay for anything with the sweat of my brow.” And the members of .sucks did jeer, for they knew Troy was a sluggard and had not repented of his filthy lying ways.
So Troy of Lewiston commenced in creating blight upon the land, in the same manner as Pine Bush. And the Lord was wroth with Troy. And Troy whined unto the Lord, saying, “Lord, have I not performed miracles in your name? Have I not raised Sandra the lawyer out of her wheelchair? Have I not brought TJ the pedophile to the brink of salvation? Have I not reattached my ear and mended my broken rib? Have I not chewed a plantain leaf and quelled the sting of yellowjackets? Have I not multiplied subscribers as unto loaves and fishes?”
And the Lord replied, “Depart from me, for I never knew you. And get a job, you bum.”
And all the men and women of .sucks cheered, and the Lord blessed their harvests and increased their numbers, for righteousness dwelled in the congregation of .sucks.

God Bless everyone, and all those that made comments in her!

As always, from me, Fck You Troy!


@thedarkdestroyer ............................

Just got this in the mail.

The Sooner The Better!

Hello, thank you so much for those two readings written by the Memory of Joy.

Allow me, I am Troy’s Momma, I am here to offer support, just ask me anything you wish, as always I will give an unbiased answer!
Ask me anything!

Where's Shiftless Dad been?

Where is Troy, is he finished on here, have the trolls blown him out?
Its looking like another of his many failures, is he good at anything he does, apart from being constantly defeated by the trolls?
Oh and hows he likeing the new Troybusters forum, he's a lucky little boy getting all this free attention.

troy doesnt understand that written blogs with pictures works best on steemit. everyone of his blogs are simply reposts from youtube. as long as he cant post a video on youtube that isnt instantly demonetized he cant post anything over here because he wont have a link for his video. he doesnt realize that the video still works regardless if monetized or not. and he is not intelligent enough to write blogs with pictures. so we will probably not see troy back for awhile. also troy is deathly afraid of my power here being greater than his and my having the ability to grey all his stuff out. im almost a 1000sp now. will be a whale by summer if i play my cards right :)

Is Trog getting five finger discount on propane off his Pappa?
Is that why Mings cooking on the camping stove thats illegal to use indoors?
Theres no way that lazy bum is going deep into the forest cutting firewood every two days, bet he had to get somebody to cut him some Christmas cake.

Okay "Momma Reid", I'll bite... as a woman how do you feel about the fact that while Troy's paid-for Filipino wife was in the latter stages of her pregnancy, Troy left her home to go overnight camping with a TEENAGED BOY who was not a family member?! Troy slept on a cot UNDERNEATH THE BOY who was above him in a hammock!!!!! Troy is 48 (or so) years old and can be seen on his channel racing on minibikes through the mud with this boy and carrying on like an adolescent while his pregnant wife is home!

@terri-reid, Hi Terri. I see you are not using your name Terrell here?

Did Troy talk you into signing up on Steemit to "have fun and help make him money" too?

Why would you need to come here and "offer support"?

We're used to Troy Lying and Contradicting himself, so why do you think there's a need for "un-biased" answers?

You should have spanked his ass years ago.
Did you know he used the word "piss" a week ago when addressing me?

You must be proud.

Why do we never see Bill?
He must be embarrassed by Troy.

Hi Guys,
Please be patient, I will answer all your questions when Troy is back here to defend himeslf.
As you know he asked his 100k plus goons to come over but everyone of them has declined.
Troy feels so alone during these hard times, his wife is not a lot of support, his Pappa did tell him to pay a bit more for one that could talk.
We think he might be making a video "heating the spank shed" but dont hold your breath.

What have you done to counter the fact you produced an idiot that will require constant supervision his entire life? Are you in agreement he should be locked up for everyone's safety especially the crippled and mentally deficient as they are the ones he tricks into supporting his pitiful existence. Do you have a plan B to help end his suffering and ours? Do you think the kid is your grandkid or Chris's? Have you tried to sell the kid on ebay for a fast buck? Please tell us so we can laugh even harder.

Hello Momma, hope your settling in, theres plenty to read and videos to watch on here, some disturbing and some funny.
He always go missing at holiday time but unlike Lord Lucan he does sadly reappear.

Tez, just watched Mings Canada video, lot of Trolls on there, have you noticed her channel's going down the shitter just like Trogs?
Who's paid for that trip, it was only just before Christmas the jobless bum couldn't afford a box of screws.


Thank you, but correction - author is "In Memory of Joy" ;)

Joy was such a good dog. Its horrible how she spent her last days on the dumpsite chained to her cold doghouse with a chain large enough to dock a ship. She couldn't compete with her owner's insane love for those cats so she had to stay outside with the flea infestation troy always complained about. If only troy would have just dropped her off at a shelter instead of taking her out in the woods for target practice in case he ever ran across a tiny little fawn. RIP Joy

Thank you, thank you so much, The Lord showed his forgivness and allowed me to undo my wrong doings, Trog could pray for the same.
Hope to see you great creators under our new bridge in a few days!

Throw him a chicken carcass Troy. I know you have them in abundance?

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