Long beans

How To Easily Cultivate Long Beans

Long beans are one of the most commonly sought after vegetables by Indonesians. These vegetables are often used for vegetables and as an additional dish for sauce. In addition to delicious, long beans also have many benefits for the body because the long beans have nutrients needed by the body. One of the benefits of long beans is that it can help smooth the digestive tract.

Long beans are also relatively cheap when compared to the cost of treatment. Here is an easy way of long bean cultivation.

  1. Terms grow

Long beans grow well on latosol soil, loose, fertile, contain lots of organic material, and have a good drainage system. It has a soil pH of about 5.5 - 6.5 and a temperature between 20-30o Celsius.

  1. Seedling

Characteristics of good and good quality bean seedlings are pithy, germination above 85%, undamaged or defective, and contain no outbreaks or pests and diseases. The seed does not need to be seeded, the seeds can be planted directly on the prepared holes.

  1. Processing on planting media

Clean the land from the weeds by hoeing or plowing so that the soil becomes loose and free of weeds. Make a bed with a width of about 60-80 cm and the distance for each bed is 30 cm. Calcify with dolomite if the soil pH is lower than 5.5. Flush the soil with SUPERNASA fertilizer that has been mixed with water on the bed. Results will be better if used with NASA and HORMONIK POC spraying periodically.

  1. Planting techniques

Make a hole in the ground with a distance to creep is 20x50 cm, 40x60 cm, and 30x40 cm. The spacing of the vertical type is 20x40 cm and 30x60 cm. Good planting time is at the beginning of the dry season or the beginning of the rainy season. Previously seeds soaked in HORMONIK solution for ½ hour then drain, not to be exposed to sunlight / shade. Put the seeds in the planting hole as much as 2 seeds for each hole. Cover the hole with a thin ground or with kitchen ash.

  1. Embroidering

If within 3-5 days long bean seeds grow the seeds healthy, but if not grow to do embroidery.

  1. Weeding

After 2-3 weeks do weeding on the grass that grows around the long bean.

  1. Pruning

Long bean leaves that are too dense or dense should be pruned so as not to inhibit the growth of long bean flowers.

  1. Fertilization

Fertilizer should be given to the manure hole located on the left and right of the planting hole. The amount of fertilizer provided also depends on the spacing.

  1. Watering

Perform irrigation on a regular basis and every day during the initial phase of seed growth to become a young plant.

  1. Pest Management

Management of pests and diseases can be done by using pesticides in accordance with pests or diseases that attack the plant. The use of pesticides should not be too excessive so as not to reduce the quality of the long beans when harvested.

  1. Harvesting

Harvest of long beans can be done at the age of about 3.5-4 months of plants, the characteristics of ready-to-harvest beans is the maximum size of pods. How to harvest it is by cutting with a knife or a sharp cut scissors.









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