Foraging For Rabbits

in #homesteading6 years ago

As you all know my broken shoestring budget requires me to be creative and thrifty.
When I'm foraging for the critters especially the rabbits, I'm very careful about what I give them as they seem to be more inclined to try whatever you offer. As a general rule I have found that if I provide my animals a clean healthy environment where there is no food scarcity they will refuse anything that is not good for them. They instinctively know.
Animals only eat things they shouldn't out of hunger or desperation. I've witnessed this first hand through my work in rescue
Since my rabbits are caged they get bored easily and look for variety I'm a little skeptical about their desire to be particular. So I'm always looking for ways to change things and new safe things to offer them.

You may remember my post about my pretty weeds. Well that pretty blue flowered weed is chicory.


It has many uses for humans and animals! It is safe for my Bunners....

Here is a great article with the nutritional breakdown of Chicory and it's suitability for rabbits.


Since rabbits are sensitive and I prefer to avoid chemical deworming whenever possible I love having a natural way to help them stay healthy and parasite free.

Chicory is well known for its toxicity to internal parasites. Studies indicate that ingestion of chicory by farm animals results in reduction of worm burdens,[19][20][21] which has prompted its widespread use as a forage supplement."
"Chicory (especially the flower), used as a folk medicine in Germany, is recorded in many books as an ancient German treatment for everyday ailments.

Humm maybe I better get some for me. Lol

There is so much to learn about wild foraging for me and my critters I'm always excited to look up a new plant!
Hope this info is helpful to someone!

Thank you for stopping by the homestead

Yep, original photos taken by me on my cheap cell phone.

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howdy today sugarcreek! this is so interesting, I didn't know that about chicory. That last photo looks like a stuffed animal! too cute.
sorry I'm charging my vote, it was 40% this morning.

Oh that's OK!
Thank you for commenting!
The rabbits are a pleasure.

howdy this evening sugarcreek! hey what all do you have the rabbits for?

They are my pets. Their manure makes cold compost and can be spread directly in the garden without damaging the plants unlike chicken and horse that must be hot composted.
So they help grow food to feed us all. They are Rex which is a dual purpose rabbit. Raised for meat and pelts. But I don't eat meat. I am not vegan, vegetarian or any other lable
I have just never liked the taste of meat. Being raised on a farm learned early on where food comes from.

howdy tonight sugarcreek! oh this is a great explanation, thank you. Hey I'd raise them too if it's just for fertilizer. but how is it that you can not eat meat and not be a vegetarian?

I just don't want to be labeled!
I am from a family of farmers and hunters. I don't judge others that eat meat. It is a personal decision no special reasons.

yes Ma'am I understand why you don't, very good, I wonder what's happening on the homestead, I gotta get over to your blog!

Come on over 👍

We used to grow chicory when I was a kid living at home. My dad used to dry, roast and grind the chicory root to make coffee. We also used it to make salads. Haven't had any in years and I can't recall seeing it here in Central America.

Yes I've read about the coffee substitute. Coffee is a weakness of mine. I am curious about the flavor. I am going to try and get some of these seeds to take with me when I move.

Yum! What a treat :) foraging looks like fun and a real valuable skill.

It saves me quite a bit of money and is more often healthier!

It saves me quite a
Bit of money and is more
Often healthier!

                 - sugarcreek

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Awesome! We have that very same weed out here, but I never knew what it was! Thanks for the info. 🙂

Do you have rabbits?

No, I’ve never raised rabbits. We do have a few wild cottontails running around, though!

We have them running wild here as well.....everywhere 😨

That clover under the chicory is prime bunny food! We used to pick it to feed our when I was a kid. :D

The herbal Chicory: Cichorium intybus-Common use: Promotes healthy digestion; soothes upset stomach; supports liver function; intestinal health; blood purifier.

Yes, they like the clover very much.

Ours used to LOVE it, we picked it by the bucket load. We thought they were pets, Dad thought they were food. THAT didn't go well, poor Dad, LOL! :)

Yeah was the same for us.
We lived beside my grandparents and they set aside a yard that we were not allowed to go. They kept food animals there like pigs etc.
They knew we'd turn them into pets. Lol

I saw a video were they had two turkeys. One was named thanksgiving the other was Christmas....

Kind of fixed the pet concept up front, LOL! :)

I am enjoying the chicory blooming here too right now! I did not know that rabbits love chicory, now nice! But it makes perfect sense :) Thanks for sharing the tidbits about it being good for knocking back parasites!

Your very welcome. Thanks for stopping by!

Very creative and resourceful. Have you ever tried growing your own fodder? I didn't have rabbits when I grew it so I'm not sure how they would have taken to it but fodder is something I'm going to get into as soon as I finish my greenhouse.

I have offered them a share of sprouts that I grew for myself, they love it. I'm sure fodder would be ideal for them as well as my other critters in winter.
I am unable to grow it at this location. But it is in my list as an addiction to the new homestead!

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