Our not-so-dirty little secret!!! (TP alternative!!)

in #homesteading7 years ago

Okay ya'll.

I'm about to let you in on a secret that no one outside our immediate family knows!
Relatives and close friends do not even know this!


There, I said it! It is true!

A few years ago, we made the switch to something called 'family cloth'.
AKA: reusable cloth wipes.
A year or so before that, I came across an article about family cloth. I thought it was interesting, and told my husband about it.
He thought it was interesting, but NOT for us!

Reusable butt-wipers?! Heck no! That's gross!!


Fast forward a couple years.
One week, at the grocery store, they were out of the usual brand of TP that we have always bought. (Scott.) I went with something else, I dont really remember what it was, Charmin, maybe?
Well, we started using that, and it was NO BUENO.
My daughter and I both developed a sensitivity to it.
(Talk about horrible itching! Yeah.. TMI, I know...)
So, horrified, we switched back to Scott. Well, that helped, but it seemed that since we awakened the sensitivity beast, it was not going away any time soon.
What to do?
We tried a few different brands, but nothing was good.
I remembered that article I had read so long ago.
I talked about it to my husband and said I would like to try it, at least for my daughter and me.
He shrugged and said, why not?

So we took the plunge!

I bought a pack of cutely patterned family cloths from a seller on etsy. (Many, many people on there sell them, so if you are not sewing-inclined, you can get them there!) They aren't super cheap, but hey, the cost of toilet paper adds up, so in the long run, this is definitely cheaper.
I put them in baskets on the back of the toilet and put a trash pail full of soapy water within easy reach.



Let me tell you. Any and all itchiness went AWAY. Gone. For. Good.

It gets you cleaner.
Trust me here. Cloth cleans better than paper any day. What do you want to wash the dirty counter with, a paper towel or a cloth towel? Same thing.

Turns out, it isn't gross at all.

Most cloths are just slightly wet from number 1, and wash clean easily. The number 2 cloths, well, they aren't as dirty as you think they would get, and being soaked already in soapy water, they come clean easily too! The pail of used cloths is not stinky at all. It has a lid, and no one even knows what is in there unless they are nosy and look, haha!

Of course, for visitors, I keep a roll or two of the TP around, but even my reluctant husband came around and we ALL use the cloth now!
Now and then, we have to go out all day or something, and I have to use, (shudder), toilet paper, which is STILL irritating to my sensitive bits, and I am always glad to get home where I do not have to use it.

Washing family cloth is a simple affair.
I think when most people start using it, they wash it separately, but they almost always end up washing it with the clothes. That's what I do. Everything always comes out squeaky clean and fresh smelling.
If the cloth is extra dirty for some reason, (someone is sick, perhaps), I'll dump it into the washer for a pre-wash rinse cycle, then add in the rest of the laundry.

Family cloth actually isn't all that hard to make, if you can sew.
(Could be a start-your-own business idea!) It is basically a cloth made of two layers of cotton flannel. I have made a few myself, but not being a great sewer, mine aren't as nice as the ones I bought... Still, to wipe with, it doesn't have to be fancy.


Well, that about sums it up!

This is the story of how we began using family cloth and kicked the TP to the curb!
Not only is family cloth better for your bottom, it is better for the environment and better for your wallet!
Can't beat that!

Thanks for reading! Have a fantastic day!

Homesteaders Online


Okay, Steemit has taught me about humanure and family cloth. ;) Actually I think I've heard of this before but never really considered it. I can just picture my younger kids "accidentally" flushing one of these and the horrific aftermath of having to jackhammer one out of the plumbing system... :) Well, this does sound like a good way to use of a lot of flannel! Thanks for this interesting post. Something for me to contemplate...

Haha I know what you mean!
I have heard of humanure also, but not really considered doing it, but who knows, maybe in the future...
Let me tell you, they have flushed a few of them by accident, and it was not a problem. They arent that big and they flushed just fine.
There have also been a couple times I ran out of clean family cloth and they have had to resort to using TP in the meantime. I have found several wads of TP in the family cloth bucket, and that was more annoying...

Lol - that does sound bad to find TP in there. Here in Panama, we aren't even supposed to flush toilet paper. They throw everything away here which is usually pretty gross. We flush but we think our septic system and pipes can handle it. Even when you go to restaurants, stores, etc. there will be signs saying not to flush any paper or anything!! The same was true for Mexico when I lived there...

Oh wow... LOL!
I know my husband's dad would always throw his dirty TP in the trash can which I never understood! He is from Cuba,so I guess they do it like that there also...

There you go. I think most Hispanic countries do. Small pipes.

I've never heard of family cloths either, but about a year ago I switched from toilet paper to washable knit cotton wipes - - - though I still use paper for my bum. I think only my husband knows. . . I can't imagine most people's reactions! Thanks for sharing, glad to hear I'm not the only one

Yes, people think it is super weird, that's also why we never really told anyone.
Its not a secret exactly, but not info I am going to go and spread around, (in real life anyway...).
Sounds like your wipes and my family cloth are pretty much the same thing. :D

I had never heard of "family cloths" before, although I do remember my grandmother cutting up rags for this purpose in the '70s or '80s just to save money. She was a highly independent and creative woman, the original reduce and reuse woman before those were buzzwords. Hmmm, I should write a post about her sometime!

You should!! She sounds fantastic!

It's one of those things no one wants to talk about, BUTT sometimes you just have to, lol. Seriously, I have been thinking about going this route lately. I learned about them years ago, but my hubby sat his foot down and said NO! Well he's gone now, so what's to stop me.

Haha so true! I actually wasn't sure if I wanted to write about it or not... And actually, I seem to have lost a follower! Maybe a coincidence though.

Might as well give it a try! :D I am so glad I did! Never thought about switching back, this just works too well.

We do as well, even wrote a post about it a while ago! Never going back

Yayy! Fellow family-clother! Lol
Not something we normally talk about, cause then people think you are weird...
(Or weirder....haha).
But yeah, we are never going back either.

Yah..... it was lumped into a going paper free post haha

I've seriously been considering this. We have a lagoon and piles of TP floating around in there is nasty. I'd much rather wash a few poo-poo wipes. Now if I could just get the husband on board...

I know what you mean!
Seems the hubbys are less open to the idea than the wives for some reason...
Well, Im sure you can tell I definitely recommend family cloth!
Floating TP sounds gross! Haha I bet you would like to not have that going on anymore!

Whooaa! Thanks for sharing! My mother put me in cloth diapers when I was a baby, I guess it's not much different 😜

Not really! Except the wipes are LOTS cleaner than dirty diapers, haha!
This post may be TMI for most people, I know... But I thought it might help someone who was thinking about switching, or maybe just looking for a more sustainable alternative.
Thanks for the comment!

TRUE! I totally had the thought about diapers being much grosser than your solution for adults after posting my comment haha. I think it's good to talk about these 'TMI' things, totally human - everyone poos! And we need good sustainable healthy solutions for all aspects of life :)

Absolutely! Haha!
And since no one on here knows me in real life, I guess it'll be fine...
If anyone I know actually gets on here, well, no harm done, I guess.
I homeschool my kids and milk my goats, so I am already pretty weird! ;)

Haha totally! Yea it's kinda fun being here without all the people I know in real life, feels so different and facebook or instagram! And weird is great 😜

I know what you mean, haha!

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Very cool! Thanks!!

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