Learn To Harvest tobacco Directly From Tobacco Plantations

in #homesteading7 years ago

Hay guys, how are you guys today? i like us always healthy, warm regards from me @spiderkok. This weekend where have you been friends?

This time I was vacationing to the hills precisely in the hills of North Sumatra, the intentions of the heart just want a vacation to quiet the mind for a moment from work, but I instead see things that I did not think.

There I saw a stretch of tobacco gardens, and there I saw how these tobacco farmers harvested their tobacco crops. I think this is one of the very rare occasions for me and I really want to know how to process this tobacco harvest. And after I see this then I will now share the way of tobacco harvest in my post this time, let us discuss the stage of harvesting tobacco.

Harvesting or picking of the best tobacco leaves is when the plants are old enough and the leaves have matured which is characterized by a yellowish green color. Such leaves will produce high quality krosok and sharp aroma. 

High quality tobacco cloves have a high selling value. However, in some cases, for example due to market demand and the location of the leaves on the stem, the best picking can be done at the leaf level is almost ripe. Because when picked precisely cook and once, the quality of the leaves after drying actually decline, especially the aroma.

How to harvest the tobacco leaves can be done by cutting the stem of the crops along with the leaves at the base of the stem or just picking the leaves without cutting the stem. Application of the use of both ways depends on:

- Type or variety

- Togetherness

For tobacco cigar classes, good leaf collection is at the maturity level of cooking or almost ripe. Picking at this level will produce a grayish colored (vaal) and elastic. Collection of young leaves or old leaves will produce a delicate (not elastic) brown and unattractive colors For cigarette tobacco, such as Virginia, the best leaf harvesting is at the maturity level of ripening or cooking. If the market requires a smooth krosok, leaf picking can be done at the maturity level of cooking. The trick is to extend the time of picking 5-10 days from the proper cooking ripening level.

 For Turkish Tobacco types belonging to tobacco cigarettes also, good leaf picking is at the level of maturity is almost ripe or still greenish Problems that sometimes occur is the error in picking the leaves of the leaves are picked too young, consequently will produce a low quality krosok, namely dead green, less flavorful, dark brown color, and wrinkled so that the price in the market low.

 Another problem is that the tobacco leaf that is picked has passed the age, the leaves are too old which is characterized by the old yellow color that produces low quality krosok. It is therefore expected that the workers are more thorough in harvesting the tobacco leaf.

Harvesting of leaves can be done by collecting leaves such as cigar tobacco, cigarettes, and pipes. Leaf picking is done per sheet according to maturity level and its location on the stem. Harvest by leaf picking is done by picking it sheet by sheet. 

Picking is done on the ripe leaves first, while the unripe ones are left to be picked at a later time after reaching the proper maturity level. Leaf picking is dipretel by hand, then picking can be done 3-5 days interval. Usually once picked only 2-4 leaves each plant.

Cooking of leaves, Because there are several types of tobacco that have the time of maturity of leaves together and some tobacco varieties do not have the same time in the process of cooking leaves.

In general, a good time to pick tobacco leaves is in the morning or evening in the sunny conditions. For vorstenland and deli tobacco varieties, when good picking is in the morning between 06.00 s.d 10.00. For the besuki varieties, when good picking is in the afternoon between 14.00-17.00. For types of tobacco and cigarette tobacco turkey, good picking is in the morning between 08.00-10.00. Problems that occur with the harvest time is the time of harvesting of tobacco leaves that need to be adapted to the variety. Sometimes workers pay less attention to tobacco varieties and harvesting times that are suitable for these tobacco varieties. Therefore the workers should pay attention to the varieties of crops planted and the timing of harvesting. Noteworthy at the time of harvest

1. Harvesting of tobacco leaves should be of age, not too young and not too old.

2. All tobacco leaves should be considered both the lower and upper leaves.

3. Workers must be careful in transporting tobacco stems and leaves to prevent damage to tobacco leaves.

4. The workers should pay attention to the varieties of crops planted and the timing of harvesting. Harvesting is a very important stage to be considered in obtaining high quality harvest. As to which should be considered as follows:

1. Leaf maturity

2. Leaf uniformity in the harvesting process

3. Handling of the leaves of the harvest

Most of the tobacco varieties are harvested based on the leaf maturity level ranging from the lower leaves to the upper leaves by picking 2 to 3 leaves on each plant at intervals of one week until the leaves of the plant run out.

 Virginia tobacco is sold in the form of dry oven or curing (Curing). Curing is a biological process that releases moisture from wet tobacco leaves harvested alive. Curing So far in some farmers there is a opinion that curing is the process of drying tobacco only. Not realizing that the cells inside the leaves are still alive after they are harvested.

Goal of Curing:

Actually the purpose of curing is:

1. Removing live tobacco leaf water from moisture content 80 -90% to 10-15%

2. Color change from Leaf green substance to orange color with aroma according to tobacco standard processed.

To get good curing / omprongan tobacco, tobacco leaf

it must have been ripe and uniform. The characteristics of the ripe leaves are:

1. The color of leaves has begun to yellowish green with some edges and edges of brown leaves.

2. The green leaf stalk is yellow, whitish.

3. Leaf position / bone leaves horizontal

4. Sometimes on leaf sheets there are brown spots, as a symbol of aging.

Things that need to be considered :

At the time of curing, to note is also the capacity of leaves in the oven. For example for oven size 4 x 4 x 7 rack is proportional to 1,8 ha, while 5 x 5 x 7 rack maximum 2,8 ha. Also the weather time of the process, if the rainy season should be more loose than the dry season. At the time of harvest tobacco must be ascertained how many sheets to be picked according to the capacity of the oven. The tobacco leaf picked should be the same age and leaf position, because if the leaf age and leaf position are different, it will be very difficult to determine when to raise the oven temperature, when to enter the next stage, when to open ventilation and so on.

Before starting curing it must be ensured that all the bleaching is readily available and palstic-free, the stove has been checked by the flame test beforehand, the entire wall of the oven has no holes, the door can be sealed, no pipes are broken and potholes. There are 4 stages curing, namely:

1. yellowing,

The biological process of this leaf is a process of color change from green to yellow, due to the loss of green leaf / chlorophyll substance to yellow leaf substance and decomposition of starch into sugar. This change can occur at a temperature of 32 s / d 42 degrees Celsius. This process should be done slowly the time required

depending on leaf position. Generally last for 55 s / d 58 hours. At this time initially all the vents are closed, both up and down. But if all the leaves are yellow orange velvety top opened 1/4, this process is crucial to the curing result.

2. Color Binding,

If all the leaves are yellow colored orange leaves and leaves bone, then the pertiahanlahan temperature raised. At the time this process occurs, then if the leaves are still green, the leaves will still be green, otherwise when it is yellow orange then the curing result will be orange yellow. Because at the temperature of 43-52 ° C this happens the binding of color. So if the leaf color on the process of yellowing has not been spray, then do not rush up the temperature of more than 42 ° C. At this stage the vent is opened gradually, bit by bit until it is completely opened. The time required when walking is generally 18-19 hours.

3. Drying Sheet

Leaves, This process aims to reduce the water content in the leaves by raising the temperature 53-62 ° C. At this moment the entire vent is opened, because the water coming out of the leaf cells will become water vapor, which should be thrown out of the oven so as not to return to the leaf. The characteristics of this process, the leaves feel dry when held, but the leaf bone still feels wet leaves look wrinkled or curly time required approximately 30-32 hours.

4. Drying Handles

Drying of tobacco handles is carried out at a temperature of 63-72 ° C. At this time the removable water in the stem will be released early in the process of ventilation begins to close slowly and gradually, to keep the air humidity fixed at 32%. Ciriciri this stage can be completed when the entire bone of the leaves have dried, and when bent batangnya will be broken and sounded cricket. This indicates that this stage runs well 5-8 hours before the process ends, all vents must be closed so that the air humidity is maintained. This process requires a normal time of 30-32 hours should never raise oven temperature above 72 C, because tobacco will burn.

This is the curing stage that occurs on the flute Cure virginia tobacco. This process should be done with care and full supervision because tobacco that has very good growth in the field, will be useless results if the curing process is not running smoothly. Therefore, for all active ovens must have a thermometer to ascertain whether each stage is running well or not. Also, each oven should have a guideline table of virginia tobacco curing procedures and use a Hygrocurometer to measure the temperature and humidity of the air

g. Leaf Classification

Each leaf tobacco leaf from bottom to top has different physical and chemical properties. Given these differences, the tobacco leaves are grouped into several classes according to their location on the stem. Grouping by location

the leaves on the stem are called leaf classification. In this grouping, the number of leaf sheets in its possession is not the same for each type of tobacco depending on the size of the difference in properties. In general, tobacco leaves can be classified into three classes.

Cigar tobacco

Cigar tobacco groups can be grouped into four classes, starting from the bottom up:

1. Sand leaf (zandblad)

2. Leaf leg (voetblad)

- The first leg leaf (DKP)

- Upper Leg Leaf (DKA)

3. Middle leaf / madya (middenblad)

- First leaf (DMP)

- Upper Madya Leaves (DMA)

4. Leaves top / topblad

According to the above classification, for varieties of tobacco vorstenland and tobacco besuki Na Oogst varieties, leg sheets leaves are good quality leaf sheets, while others are of low quality so they do not need to be picked.

Cigarette Tobacco

Cigarette tobacco groups are grouped into four classes from bottom to top:

1) Sand leaf (lugs)

2) Lower and middle leaves (cutters)

3) Leaf upper (leaf)

4) Leaf buds (tips)

According to the above classification, for the Virginia tobacco type, the lower and middle leaf sheets (cutters) are the best leaf sheets, following the leaf sheets. The other leaf sheets have low quality.

Rajangan Tobacco

For the original tobacco or tobacco type, the leaf sheet and 1-2 leaves of the leg are good quality leaves. These leaves are generally dicrossed as cigar filters. Leaf sheets are poor quality so often used for tobacco chopped. Problems that sometimes arise because of the classification of this leaf is a doubt in the determination of leaves and leaves that are at the bottom tend to be more

So many explanations from me @spiderkok about how tobacco harvest, demoga you like this post.

Do not forget to make upvote and resteem @spiderkok, congratulations end for you all steemian friends.

Thank you


thanks for sharing @spiderkok

I am not a smoker, but this is a really interesting and detailed post. It's clearly an area you have expertise in and it shows here. Well done.

Great post @spiderkok, very thorough explanation and nice job documenting the process with pictures. For a factual article like this I would love to see some sources cited at the bottom for where you got the information RE desired moisture %, leaf classification, etc.

Happy to have found you - following! Cheers :) Carl

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