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RE: My Homestead One Year Goal

Buff Orpingtons are a good bird. One small tip is do not buy a lot of birds to start off with. Get to know them and see how it works be for jumping in head over feet. My wife and I lost are last 2 birds to some coyotes. They birds where out free ranging and a pack come in my yard in full day light to get them. That is just part of how things so. We will get some more soon as I am over this Crohn's flare.

If you need more help just ask. Thanks and God Bless.


O yes! My husband said that I can only have 2 chickens. So I'm starting off small. He doesn't want a yard full of animals. Right now I just want layers so 2 is enough for me learn from. Hope you feel better soon. When I was younger the docs thought I had Crohns but it turned out to be Lupus. It's not fun!

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