Knowledge-Seekers Homesteading Photography Contest Entry - Animals!

in #homesteading7 years ago

Good morning Steemit! Or more like good afternoon actually, but since I just woke up, its my morning :P

I was trying to figure out what to post today, since I am in town at my moms for the holidays, and this photography contest seemed like a good place to start today! I am going to post a couple photos for this contest!

First up, some shiny chickens! If chickens were pokemon, these guys would be the shiny kind. 


I also have this not so quality picture of Guts the cat, but he is so cute! How could I not include him??

If only I had pictures of the dearly departed kitty Cookie or our big black roo Kotobuki. I miss them both a lot, I wish I had more photos to remember them by, both were such good companions. <3

Now, for the finishing photo, and winner quality content, Quinn the dog learning to pull Tasha around on a sled! 

Since I, sadly, am not at the homestead right now I will have to leave it at that. I hope you enjoyed our cute animals! Good luck to all the other entrents, I really love this contest! Thank you Knowledge-Seeker! Have a good day Steemit, I am sure I will be posting more later after the Summerhill Winery winter solstice gathering!

Keep on Steemin on!


hey there guts the cat! so many kisses!!

These are good photos of your animals! If those are the chickens I think they are then you are probably getting a lot of eggs. I too wish I had more photos of some of my past animals. They bring back many good memories.

They are rhode island red/ sussex cross, very good layers, just not so much in the winter :P

nice photo's keep on steemin' on

I really want to get some chickens. Nice pictures of those shiny ones.

thanks! Chickens are so awesome you should! If you live in the city and have a backyard you could probably get just a couple

Those hens are beautiful! Chickens really are awesome. They give food, so much personality, AND (my favorite part) they put themselves to bed at night :)

haha yeah they are just damn great, benificial to my body and soul, and hardly take much work <3 We should have a chicken appriciation club on discord or something :P

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