Bought Some Seed Potatoes, Garlic & Tomato For The Indoor Vegetables Garden

in #homesteading6 years ago

These potatoes are grown to be used as seed potatoes!!



For now I'm still learning and looking up info but some day this week I wil start planting/seeding them? Dont know the correct potatoe terms yet haha all I knew was the best way to start potatoes was from so called seed potatoes so I went to the local Garden center and bought myself some!!

While there I also bought some Garlic wich to my suprise seems easy to grow, at least thats what the info I found said. These are also going to be planted this week!!


These little tomato plants were 2.50€, they are a perfect fit with al the other plants. I tought to myself why not grow everything while i'm at it!! Tomatoes are a relative easy plants to grow I believe, I dont expect to much trouble with them I hope.😉
Here they are having a great time under a 20watt CFL!!


Its going to be a whole new adventure with al these new plants, I hope that in the future I am able to provide myself with almost all the food I need, at least that is what I am aiming at!!
Food prices are a bit high in the Netherlands and I dont make much money at the moment so it would be nice if I could grow it myself instead of going shopping for it!!

For now its time to smoke some Jack Herrer and relax playing Farcry 5!!

Time To Smoke Another One!!!
ZomboMeme 15012018221328.jpg

Have a nice day everyone!!


never heard of seed potatoes before! I thought you could just toss one in the ground and it would work, lol. Garlic is easy though. We stick a few cloves in the fridge to see which ones will sprout and once they do start, one clove goes into each of our cannabis pots to help keep away aphids and other yuck bugs.

I didn't either, but after doing some reading this seems to be the way potatoes are primarily grown here in the Netherlands, but it can indeed be done with most potatoes, at least the info I can find suggest so.
Thats a good tip haha!! Does it really work? Or only with very mild infestations?

It does. I think the only difference is that you need to wait for your regular potatos to become seed potatos :D whenever I get some roots growing, I cut them out with a chunk of potato and put it in the ground. The same with carrots... I leave 2cm. radishes. You can regrow hell lot of veggies

What a amazing photography.banana and photatos is the more important for us ..thanks for sharing this informative blog ..keep support with us..

Thank you very much!! I'm glad you like the pictures, potatoes can be grown in pots so I really hope it works.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day!!

I believe that if you attend to the recommendations of the crop, the vegetables will be produced.
We will be waiting for the progress of the plantation, hopefully they will give themselves satisfactorily, so the taste of your food will be more tasty.
Treat the plants with great affection and care.
I wish you the best of luck.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the nice comment!! I wil hope for the best, & wil keep posting about the indoor vegetable garden!!
Have a nice day!!

It's too late for garlic outdoor, but indoor you can probably do it 365/24. Potatoes don't really grow well in pots, but I never tried hydro :D

It al has to be indoors for now!! 3rd floor unfortunately. I wil have to make it work haha already saw a couple of things that might work, also the garden center had a special potatoe pot?a sort of pot with holes stuck in a regular one but I think I can come up with something similar.
The Garlic I read conflicting stories, some say frost wil kil it, other say it wield yield better after. Could be misunderstanding didn't read up on it yet!

Frost will do nothing to garlic. I planted in in January and a week later there was a heavy snowfall. This is a plant that grows mostly underground, and it has to be planted very early in the season.

Ok good to know!! Thanks!! For now I wil be trying to grow inside but as soon as we have a place with a garden I wil grow more outside but wil most likely also keep indoor grows since the weather sucks big time most days of the year.

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