We are starting a homestead #3.

in #homesteading7 years ago

Baby steps.
Everyone always says "Do a lot of research before you start your homestead."
Do you know why they say that? Because you better understand what your getting yourself into.....I mean really understand it.
Before this endeavor started, I had a lot of free time. Not anymore. No time to hang out and drink beer, go to the lake, or take a weekend camping trip.
This is not a project. This is a "full on" lifestyle change. This is hard work. All my spare time is consumed by this.
Do I sound like I'm overwhelmed? ......A little.
Do I sound like I'm tired?........Yes, because I am!
Do I sound like I'm having fun?..... Probably not....... But, I am. Oh man, am I having fun!!!!!

This is probably the most exciting thing I can think of doing. Taking raw land, in kind of an inhospitable place, and making it into something that will provide most of what we need to have a comfortable life. Throw on top of all of this that we want to do it sustainably. It's a challenge.
I think being truly challenged is what makes us achieve more, and allows us to be proud of what we have achieved.

It's all about BABY STEPS. Do what you can, and don't sweat it if you didn't get as far as you thought you would. Be happy with baby steps. Hell, ...expect baby steps. Just keep going, keep plugging away.
Nuff said.

Here we are with all the trusses up and a little decking put on and, Lucy down at the bottom of the pic.
Here's Cindy putting the plywood on the roof.

Almost fully enclosed.
Here's another "baby step" thing to think about. Building wrap doesn't want to cooperate when it's windy. When the wind is gusting to 25-30 mph, take a deep breath, and find something else to work on. No telling how many square feet of building wrap got ripped and ruined because I wouldn't let my go of my "goals for the day".
Baby steps.

So long for now,


Yes it is baby steps. A little at a time and you turn around and it like wow I got a lot done. Keep on plugging along.

So right. Thanks."The long journey is made of many small steps." Don't know who said it, but they were right

Ah yes, the baby steps. Sometimes we want to jump in to it all with both feet but it can become overwhelming fast. Because we started right where we are at with the dream of getting more property somewhere, we eased into this life with baby steps for sure. Still hunting for that piece of property while making the most of our small lot, but we have come a long ways and even here, it is a lot of work, I seem to get busier every day! Great post!

Way to go on following your dream. You're making a lot of people jealous. Keep up the good work !!!!

Thank you.

Congrats fellow Coloradoan. I look forward to seeing progress with this superb project. Your heart's in the right place and the homestead looks like it's in the right place as well.

Hey, thanks. Water will be a challenge, but the property was too cool to pass up. Followed back. Thank you.

oooo Water is THE challenge. Especially in the west. Do you care to reveal what part of Colorado?

Southwest. We're already building swales, and we're going to do water catchment for the buildings.

The area is usually called the "dry side".

Southwest here as well. We have lots of water..both wells and ditches. We are not off grid so domestic is fine. We fight for the acequia water to irrigate. good job getting the swales going.

We have county water at the road but it's a huge pay in to connect. About 6K. Then we have to pipe it to the house site. Another couple grand. I think I can build a hell of a sustainable catchment and swale system for that much $.

Hope you had some non windy time for the house wrap.

Just barely got it done before another "red flag" windy day.

That is more than a baby step! Followed

Thanks, working hard at it. Still feels like baby steps, but loving every minute. Followed back.

I'm jealous. My wife and I want to do this soon. I wish we had gone off grid instead of buying our house :( followed.

Thanks. Followed back.

Baby steps for sure and look forward to your next step.

Cool! Look forward to seeing more; hopefully some videos.

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