Please Steemit In A Pot, Nine Days Old


Hello Steemit! We are officially nine days old today and in those last nine days I have gone from never ever having heard of Steemit before, or knowing what exactly a cryptocurrency was, let alone an sbd, a poloniex (what is that, some kind of horse breed?), a re-steem, or anything else about this new territory, to sitting here today writing this.

What I did know is that I have always loved to write. I also love to teach and I love to inspire others... So when @mountainjewel mentioned it, I thought I would check it out. As soon as I joined it felt like hopping a fast moving train, exciting but wondering how to navigate, and where it would take me. I immediately realized that I was serious about Steemit.

I have met tons of amazing people here from all over the world who are working hard in the physical realm to carve out a simpler and more sustainable existence, and people who want to make the world a better place... I have been inspired to keep working at it myself.

I blog here in between all the other work and chores in my life, including raising and homeschooling my kiddos, taking care of the house, the sheep, the goats, the chickens, and planning our 2018 market garden season.

Winter has always been a tough time for us financially, no matter how hard we try to save up (such is the song the farmer sings, eh?) This winter has felt slightly different. Although I want to and plan to invest Steem back into the Steem community, I was also excited to experience my first payout and to actualize $USD to literally go buy some groceries and nice new wool socks for my son.

I stayed up late several nights, eyes reddening, and even in tears at times trying to understand this new technology I knew nothing about. I watched countless YouTube videos, read countless Steemit posts, and little by little pecked away at this goal of coming to some sort of understanding....

I took a chunk of my SBD to Poloniex and traded it for Bitcoin, and then sent it to Localbitcoins dot com. I had 263 USD$ worth of bitcoin, and then it decreased to 153 USD$ in Bitcoin by the time it got there. Now according to their site it's basically too low of an amount to sell it there to try to get the money in my bank account for an actual purchase of groceries and socks.

Whew. I was in tears for a moment, but it might have been the pregnancy hormones...

My point here is that over the last two days I've thought hard about this. I am absolutely blown away that after all these years of creating content, writing, etc. that I finally have the privilege to be on a platform that supports my work.

I cannot emphasize enough how blown away I am at how much I have learned in such a short amount of time. Nine days....

I learned that if I could have that 100 USD$ worth of crypto back I would've loved to use it to power up, so that my vote would count more, and to keep it in the Steemit community...

But I have also come to the conclusion that I can look at the loss of that 100USD as a price I paid for an intensive education, an initiation... And it was a price well paid in that regard.

Steem on!!!

Cheers Fam


I done something similar when I first came to steemit, I got excited by my first bit of earnings and decided to turn it in to Steem, I done that through steemit using the 3 day conversion and lost alot of it. But it's a learning curve and your 100 dollars will come back to you 10 fold I'm sure.
I'm really glad you joined, I really enjoy your honest and open posts and I love to admire your beautiful work. Full steem aheadx

Thank you so much @trucklife-family! I bet it happens to many, LOL... I enjoy your posts too!

ahh, lovely, I am glad you found this platform! It definitely is an intense learning curve, probably disheartening to many at first, but the pay off is so worth it. I found trading in litecoin or ether to reduce the fees quite a bit, to a managable 20 bucks or so. I totally fucked up my first payment trying to use a bitcoin ATM, that 150 bucks is in crypto-land somewhere, I am not tech savvy enough to figure out where lol.

I also figured, lesson well learned. Luckily I figured out a super easy way to get it right into my bank account using Quadrigacx if you wanna check it out and @hendrix22 made a post about how.

I also have used the money to eat yummy food and sooner then later get a phone finally! though I think I am just going to give it to my bf to use lol. Great post, look forward to seeing more!

Thank you for the comment, and for the advice. I will definitely check out that post!

Yeah, its pretty good tp be here. Im glad you're enjoying it too!

Gorgeous write-up and happy 9 days!!! If you keep learning as much as you have as fast as you have, you'll be purchasing all the groceries, and socks you need in no time. And much more!
I look forward to following your journey.

Thank you so very much! Me too!

Love the honesty in your post. I am only 6 days old on steemit. Our stories sound very similar. I am a full time farmer and my wife stays home and we homeschool. I agree winter is hard because of low cash flow. I appreciate the encouragement in your post. Look forward to more of your writing

Indeed! I am following you too now, farmer...Welcome to Steemit!

I too am so pleased to have learned about this site-- or shall I say this community!

I hope to learn as quickly as you're catching on, I need to make some very scheduled time dedicated to writing posts & going through steemit posts!

Hooray! awesome... glad to know you

@coyoteom, what an exciting adventure steemit is innit! I am happy you are getting the money rewards you obviously so well deserve. Your authenticity in your content & yourself is absolutely fascinating & captivating, thank you for sharing it with us!
So happy to have found you here in the streem of steemit <3 Keep on steemin' <3

I've been on steemit since May 2017 and I still don't fully understand it all. I've not even converted any crypto to hard cash yet so you're ahead of me already on that score ;)

Are you serious? You've not converted any at all? Lucky you

As far as I know, I'll have to convert to bitcoin first before getting it in cash. But it seems bitcoin transaction fees are sky high and very slow.
Do you know of any way to convert steem to cash without using bitcoin?

Well, there's an exchanger we use here in Nigeria. We just transfer SBD or steem to their account and we get the equivalent in our currency. No transaction fees. I don't really know about international exchanges

Not to worry, I'll do some research on the matter :)
Thanks anyway.

gorgeous stuff sis... keep steemin, you've got so much to add here.

lol ;) i'm all in, too! #serious lol!

hahaha, indeed!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63342.09
ETH 2658.68
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81