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RE: Hauling Compost & Mulch For Our Homestead Garden

in #homesteading7 years ago

As previously promised Troy here is another short story about the displaced NYer now residing in Michigan . How the two fellows met and aided each other in their times of need . Let us begin shall we .

Our hero was building an empire in a beautiful meadow but he was a hoarder . He loved to collect junk . Driving along country roads gathering broken treasures left abandoned . Over time his findings grew to massive proportions . Junk piles everywhere among the 50 or so acres . Junk piles upon previous piles . Some items hadn't seen daylight in millennia . Needless to say our trooper was ashamed by the spectacle before his eyes and needed a solution to his cleanliness woes .

In now steps Nicky Neckbrace ( will now be identified as NN ) How the two met is open to speculation . Chances are they met at the local coffee shop . After a little casual conversation a light went on in the mans head . It was apparent NN was downtrodden and later revealed to be disease stricken . That light grew in intensity , slowly and ever increasing to a point it distinguished the sun above . Here , right here , standing before him was the answer to his prayers .

He will give NN shelter : An old decrepit motorhome to rest his weary bones after a day of toil .
He will give NN food : Scraps of edibles left over from his very own table .

While NN brings order from chaos to his empire our hero will put to film the stricken blokes daily struggles to right the wrongs his hoarding had brought forth . Between naps , hydration breaks and food consumption our hero video taped NNs achievements cleaning the dumpstead to it's former glory .

But alas , after many months the task proved to be overwhelming and was doomed to failure . As with all hoarders our hero continued to add MORE junk . Not that NN was an incompetent worker . Hell no , the poor fellow toiled from sunup until sundown . From behind spotless windows our hero witnessed NNs daily accomplishments , periodically offering a little encouragement in way of prayer . Our hero was forced to flee from this unfinished endeavor and abandon NN along with his ruined meadow . Forces at work made living at the property unfeasible . Why you ask ?

I will supply you with answers to the hero's flight in the next installment .

Did you enjoy this story Troy ? I want your honest opinion .


You know, you have some serious writing skills. You really should apply them to making some money honestly instead of harassing me.

I am totally serious.

Stop harassing me and write some stuff for yourself. Use those talents for good.

Where's Someones Skank, shes always up for causing trouble, must be working, on her back!

Can we refer to NN as the Babies real dad, it looks nothing like Troy

Hello Troy, I’m surprised you coming on here and laying a red carpet down for your trolls, are you having fun?

They were not invited but you guys are multiplying like cockroaches.

Would be a lot more fun without cockroaches though.

Nasty little things. Keep multiplying and hiding in the dark corners, ick.

Then its home from home for you Troy, you know all about vermin, you live with it, mice rats, ticks you’re the vermin expert, you live and breathe vermin because that’s what you are, filth, pure filth pure vermin. You were warned about joining this place but you went ahead, silly boy!
It will slowly unravel over the coming days and I am going to enjoy!

I've noticed that too. Why is there a mouse problem in both houses? You are living there plus a cooking show and processing tomatoes and salsa? Now you want to lure the mice into the garage? No interest in an exterminator?

Exterminator? Yeah, its called a cat. Works well. Just feed and water it sometimes.

Well thank you for such kind words :)

Warned? I thought it was still a free country? I mean this is America right? Where people can choose for themselves how they earn a living?

Or are you in charge of my life now?

See you’ve made some mighty fine friends here TJ, can’t wait for Scambusters Story’s to move on to TJ and then there’s the two little boys.
Don’t try and hide me again at least you can see what I’m saying but I could go and post my comments on your friends channel direct!
All fact, no lies, all backed up with proof.
No scamming, no ebegging just the truth!

Great idea for a topic mollydolly . Hadn't thought of that one . Need a title for it . Something in the lines of , "TR and TJ research BJ "or some facsimile . I'm on it right after the " Flight of Fancy " saga .

That’s no way to invite an old friend T-Bag, anyways you put up a video specially to invite us along have you forgotten?

at least 3 of them have more than one steemit account ,

Yes I see that. They are multiplying like cockroaches as I said. Nasty little things

You told us to come here in a video and make accounts, so here we are Troy... and thank you for the invitation.

Reid your the Pied Piper of vermin with your filthy life style.

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