Easy Compost Tea for Your Plants

in #homesteading6 years ago


One of the first mistakes I made when I started growing was thinking that you need to buy expensive fertilizers from the store. I spent hundreds of dollars on high dollar chemicals and a pH meter to fertilize my plants.

I heard about compost tea a while back and thought it wouldn't work as well as the high dollar chemicals. Now I save every leaf, grass clippings, or wood chips that I can find.

If you have any small patch of grass in your yard, you have some of the best fertilizer you can find. Grass clippings can make an excellent compost tea and is very cheap, plenitful, and natural.

Get yourself a 5 gallon bucket and fill it about one third full with the grass clippings. After that, just fill it with water and let it sit out in the sun for a couple days. If you have any banana peels, these can be an excellent addition especially for flowering plants.

If you have an aerator stone, this is supposed to be helpful, but I do not have one. Instead, just stir the grass clippings well at least once per day.

After 2-3 days, the compost tea will be ready to use. The water will pull the nutrients out of the grass clippings making for an excellent fertilizer. Just pour the mixture gently at the base of your plants, around 1 quart per 1 foot of growth. (2 quarts for a 2 foot tall plant) every week or so. I usually feed about 2x per week and have been having good results.

I hope this helps some of you save some money on your grows and makes for some excellent healthy plants.

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Compost tea is a wonderful idea! Make sure to put lots of tea bags in the compost so it lives up to its name :)

The same type mixture can be made with worm castings in the same way! Be sure to tell your squirmy buddies I said, hello. Hope they are doing well!

Trivia: All worms are hermaphrodites yet still breed, is that not a fine how do you do? A case of transgender found in nature!

Unfortunately my worms got overheated and died in the compost container. Now I'm just feeding the native worms (and there's a ton of them here).

Sorry to hear about your worms. I have mine outside in their house, but I keep them well hydrated. Maybe I should put some ice cubes on the top tray. It has been really hot.

Nice banner!!

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