Strange how the mind works, isn't it?
This was a nice post about neighbors helping neighbors. And, to my mind, there was something particularly heart-warming about the rural setting ... one farmer helping another build a pig-pen ... one man helping another provide for his family. Reminiscent of barn-raisings of old, albeit a bit scaled down.
If one were philosophically inclined, one might metaphorically extend the symbolism to Steemit, for here too is @papa-pepper renowned for his generosity of spirit.
As is often the case when reading something both neighborly and noble, I was inspired to verse. I'm not quite sure what it was about 'this post' that inspired me to write 'this poem,' but that's often how poetry works. Being a poet, I accept that mystery is part of the process.
In any event, here it is.
An Ode To My Ex-Wife
Behavior repeating; eating, excreting,
Some things, will never they change,
Down on the ground, while making them sounds,
Scratching, for have you 'The Mange.'
Well lucky for you, will not I eschew,
And lucky, I know him a man,
@Papa-Pepper his name; your kind it, his game,
Will help you, as only he can.
First build you a pen, so spreads not again,
Knowledge, is knowing know-how.
Your hide will he wet, an ointment from vet,
For kind, this man to a sow.