Mail Time, Today’s Goings-on, Why I haven’t been posting, and a Tiny Giveaway

in #homesteading7 years ago

Mail Time!

My first seed order finally came in today! I’ve been waiting six, long, cold, agonizing days. I was beginning to fear that I’d have to start garden season with out them.


I’ve never grown cauliflower before. But this one is Amazing. Check out the description. I have to try it.



For the past couple of years I’ve only been growing Lemon cucumbers. This year I’m trying out Natsu Fushinari cucs. Because I save seed, I can’t grow both. They’re supposed to be resistant to powdery mildew, which I don’t really have a problem with. And they’re heat tolerant. We don’t live in the south, but it gets hotter than hell in the summer time. Plants with heat tolerance cut my work down, and are more productive in my neck of the woods.


Brad’s Atomic Grape tomatoes. Whaaaaaa? Look at those things! Beautiful! Tomatoes are the royalty of my garden. I grew 12 varieties last year. I totally would have grown more, but I ran out of room. I’m still considering digging out the driveway and adding more garden space there. Adam says, “Absolutely not.” We don’t even park in the garage.


They’re Alive!

Unfortunately, I was so excited to see them, that I forgot to get a picture. But the bees are alive. We always have them protected from the north and west winds, but during the last cold snap, a bitter, hard wind came in from the east that dropped our wind chill to -10 and -15 a couple nights. The temperatures didn’t worry me, but that cold wind blowing right into the entrance on my hives made me nervous. As soon as we realized the wind had shifted and was coming from the east we ran out there and got them some protection from it, but we had no idea how many hours it had been blowing into the hive. And it was just too cold to risk opening it up. So I’ve been waiting for a warmish day to check on them. Today, right about the time it hit 55*, my back yard was humming with happy, active bees, stretching their wings and getting some fresh air! I. WAS. SO. HAPPY! Tomorrow I’ll open it to see if they’re doing okay on food, and then I’ll leave them alone til spring.

I Haven’t Been Posting, and I Blame It on You

So, all this springtime activity I’m seeing everywhere is making me crazy. I’ve been starting a lot of seeds, but that’s just part of my winter. But all the talk about garden planning and spring time is making winter so hard to bare! Then I’ve got what may as well be a live feed to summer coming in from Australia!! Good grief, it’s a wonder I haven’t gone mad!

So I got to thinking. What’s something super ‘spring time’ that I can do? Spring cleaning! I normally do my spring cleaning in the fall, so the house is super organized and tidy and clean for the holidays. And I love starting the new year with a totally clean house. But this year, I’ve had a lot going on. A lot. So, I just didn’t really think too much about it, but I didn’t have time anyway. My house is pretty clean, so it wouldn’t have hurt to let it ride til next fall. But I need some spring in my life, so I did my spring cleaning this past week.

My Gram says that once a job is first begun, never leave it til it’s done. I live by that philosophy, so I cleaned til I was done, which didn’t leave a lot of posting time.

Now for the tiny giveaway...

Every fall, when I rob my hives, I also take the wax from about half of my frames to make lotion bars. I don’t have any pictures of the process this time, but when I make another batch in the fall I’ll make a post.

In this batch I used beeswax with a little grape seed oil and some coconut oil. This stuff really saves my hands! I use it after gardening or handling anything harsh. It’s also magic on the heels!


I make a pretty big batch and pour it into small containers with lids, so I have individual bars that I can throw in my car or in my backpack. It also makes them easy to share. And I’d love to share one with you! If you’d like to be entered into the drawing, let me know in the comments and I’ll throw your name in the hat. When the post pays out, I’ll enter the names of those interested into, post the winner, and send it out to ya!

Have an excellent day!


AWESOME giveaway! ANyone who wins is LUCKY!!!

Like you.. I am giddy with excitement! I got some seeds in the mail Friday and I have a LARGE order scheduled for delivery tomorrow! I LOVE MY MAIL LADY!

Giddy. That’s the word for it. I can hear the postman’s truck from about a block away, and no matter what I’m doing I run to the door and wait for him to stop at my box and pull away. Then I very casually stroll out to the box and stroll back to the house. When I get inside and see that I’ve got SEEDS I just FREAK OUT!

lol, the picture in my mind right now is the scene where Ralphy checks the mail box and finds his Little Orphan Annie secret decoder ring and he feels of it and runs in his house and upstairs and rips the package open... lol.

So great to hear the bees survived! I've also been indulging in seed envy and southern hemisphere peeping. A gal's gotta do, what a gal's gotta do.... ;~P

I guess seeing what they've got goin' on down under is inspiring and reminds me that winter isn't forever. 🌞

Reminders that winter isn't forever are most welcome about this time of year. Sometimes it seems like it's never going to end.

You picked a good time to disappeared because I did too, lol! But mine was because the computer died and I had to buy another. I got back online yesterday and I'm still playing catch up.

I would love to be entered into your drawing. Sounds like it would do wonders for my knees. Nothing I have ever made or bought has helped but I've never tried anything with real beeswax.

You probably missed the post about the new free seeds coming soon. Purple Coneflower, German Chamomile and more purslane, if you are interested. Pre-order now if you want some.

I’m glad you were able to get back on line so quickly!

Seeds? You know what, you can just put me down for one of everything from now on. lol
Seriously, I’d love to have some Coneflower. That’s echinacea, correct? Chamomile sounds lovely too. I’ll get over there and put my order in! Thanks for the heads up!

Hey, your name was picked with the random name generator. So, email me your address and I’ll get it sent to you! You may already have my email, but just in case, it’s [email protected].

Oh dear. I'll have to apologise, I didn't realise how tormenting I must be to you. I'll try not to rub it in any more by mentioning the fact we can grow year round! :P

And just to keep you busier, have you spotted the new photo for the meme yet? ;D

Oh, hell. lol That is, hands down, the funniest comment I’ve ever recieved! It’s also the cruelest!! lol

So, yes, I’ve seen the new meme photo, and I am going to enter. I’ve been trying to narrow my ideas down to just two, but after this, I might scrap my ideas and come up with some new ones!

Sorry, I couldn't resist!

I've been trying to toy around with growing my own herbs for the last two years. Though I have just a massive terrace, no garden so planting them in pots makes them grow slow. Hope your planting goes way better than mine :)
Your lotion sounds wonderful, though I'm European so not sure about postage possibilities etc. So will not enter your generous giveaway competition, however thank you very much for the initiative anyway! :)
Really lovely post!

Thank you. I have good luck with container gardening herbs. Some things you may have already considered are making sure the container has good drainage, making sure the soil is nutrient rich and checking the moisture of the soil frequently as containers tend to dry put quickly.

I'm also unsure about international postage, but I'm going to look into that. :)

Have a wonderful day!

Wow thank you for your advice, I think I over-watering plants and that might be the main reason of my failure :)

You're welcome!

Umm...YEAH!! That lotion sounds heavenly! Enter me for sure!

I'm glad your bees are alive and well and that you got your order of seeds in just fine. Did they include a free pack or two? They usually do.

Thanks for sharing!

Yes, ma’am, they did! With this part of the order I got Free Seed Variety 2 which was Black Vernissage tomatoes. I think I got 3 packs of them in the mail last year. And betwee my daughter and myself we got 3 packs at the Planting Festival. lol But I’m not bitching! I love free seeds! And they are great little tomatoes for throwing in a lunchbox or having with a salad. I hope I get *Free Seed Variety 1” with my live plant order!

You’re name is in the hat!

my heels are tore up! gimme a chance for some of this magic beeeeeezwax lotion you've created.

baker creek has some of the best packaging. that gets the heart racing extra, on top of SEEDS being inside of that packet!

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