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RE: Your Chickens NEED Grit [DIY Dispenser]

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

We feed our chooks grit every day with their pellets. We cannot decide if it is a mild winter or we have super chickens. Still getting 5 eggs a day out of 6 chooks in min winter. We suspect it is the amount of salad they also get every day. Just like us. Chooks arr what they eat!


You may want to consider a separate dish. This way you can actually see how much their using. It could be that they're not having enough or that maybe you're giving too much and wasting money.

What kind of chickens do you have? Their winter heartiness hasn't to do with breed. But then again it varies by each chicken.

Yes, they get pellets and grit into different dishes. The main problem we have always had concerning their food is flocks of sparrows turning up to destroy it. We tried a scarecrow and building a feeding house meant to be hard to access for sparrows. Neither worked. Now we just stand guard for 10 minutes while the chooks eat their fill. They are Hyline bantams. The standard industry chook who produces a lot of eggs but we got ours direct from a breeder at 16 weeks so they have never been near a factory. Lucky for them. Still, the last flock we had always shut down for winter. But these guys seem to be on a mission.

Ah birds! Sorry if you said it do you free range?

I feed mine in the coop, right before bed. Haven't had a problem with wild birds trying to get inside in their feed (yet).

Ooooh very cool!! I think Faverolles are good winter layers also. I hope! I have 4 but they're only 16 weeks. They're so small??? Haha I hope I didn't get bantams on accident! Haha

Unfortunately, we live on a rental property in the middle of a town so cannot free range. But the chooks still have a few hundred square meters to be content with. We would rather they have a few acres. I think we used the word bantam in the wrong context. We meant it as just another word for chicken and not the actual meaning; a tiny breed of poultry. Ours are a normal size of small. Although the two pictured are from our last flock on a different property to the one we are on now. 10401999_10153059300068474_5843896809600235893_n.jpg

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