Keeping Healthy Chickens at the Pirate Homestead

in #homesteading7 years ago

There ain't no beating fresh eggs from your own flock.

Unless you want to make a Pav.
Then beat away.

Dirt Bath Chicken.jpg

To keep our Chooks healthy we preempt them getting sick.
Daily they get fed factory produced pellets with crushed oyster shells as well as a plethora of weeds and salads from our garden.
Weekly they get Apple Cider Vinegar added to their water supply.
Then every few months we give them a cup of porridge oats mixed with diatomaceous earth and more crushed oyster shells.


Diatomaceous earth does seem to get a label as a 'wonder stuff'. But most of this is probably just marketing talk.
See the sources below for some more info from both sides of the chicken wire fence.

During winter, you can't expect your chickens to lay an egg each every day what with vegetation and insect life being rather scarce. However, we have been lucky of late to still be getting at least 4 eggs a day out of 6 Chooks in the deepest winter months. We put this down to the amount of salad we throw at them and how mild this winter has been!

Then last Tuesday, we checked the hutch late in the day to find only 3 eggs. 3?
Something must be done. How else will we make omelettes, fried egg butties and poached eggs in tomato soup with only one egg a day for each Pirate?
That evening the Chooks had a good helping of oats and D-E.
Next morning.
6 shiny warm eggs early in the morning.
So we have reasoned that as any Bonnie Scot knows.
'Porridge Oats will cure what ails ye.'
And maybe the D-E helped too.

P.S This is PAV!

P.P.S Porridge Oats will not cure what ails you if what ails you is gluten intolerance. And probably won't cure any of your other ails either. Fad dieting is no help for health.

As always. Remember
'Ye arr what ye eat.'


BlkWht Chicken.jpg

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