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RE: Raw Milk Is Illegal in Canada

in #homesteading6 years ago

To be fair, drinking raw milk can be very dangerous. Raw milk from industrially raised cows, that is. As I understand it, healthy grass-fed cows have high levels of acidity in their stomachs which kill off pathogens (e-coli etc.) making their milk harmless; industrially raised cows, however, do not, making the risk of falling sick as a result of drinking their milk quite high. Obviously, the honest thing to do would be to tell the consumer that, and to ban raw milk from industrial producers only, but that would mean admitting to the evils of industrial agriculture and government just doesn't want to do that, so we must all suffer...


A lot of countries have developed systems that are working very well for them. I read some statistics that said a large number of dairy farmers drink raw milk themselves. (why wouldn't they!)

Another oddity is the fact that raw cheese is legal. They just advise people to have common sense about children and pregnant women consuming it ...

I just don't like being told what I can or cannot consume. Especially in this age of toxic "fake food". It all seems absurd.

Agreed! Although raw cheese does seem to be a little different: the fermentation process does render the milk -- good or bad, raw or not, artisanal or industrial -- a little more digestible than in it's liquid state.

I had heard that unpasteurised cheese was illegal in the US: is it not in Canada? Or am I mistaken?

It is true that the process in which cheese is made reduces a lot of the harmful bacteria but if the milk is contaminated, there is still risk with the cheese. I don't see many reports of people becoming ill from raw milk products so ... I still think this law stinks of lobbying or corruption.

Unpasturized cheese is sold in Canada. I know there are a lot of regulations for cheese makers but even imported unpasturized cheeses can be bought here.

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