Spoiling Chickens with Rustic Organic Sourdough bread


I've been reading more about how to be self-sustainable with our little flock so that I don't have to be purchasing feed for them at the store. The way things have been going their feed might become more scarce at the store anyhow and I may not be able to shop there eventually. One of the things I read was to give them bread but specifically sourdough because of the probiotics. I just happen to make several rustic loaves of sourdough bread every week and sometimes happen to have something that don't sell. I usually end up hogging it down myself or giving it to a neighbor. But after reading how good the probiotics are for the birds I figured it would be much better to reward them with this delicious treat that they seem to love.


They liked it so much I may have to just start getting some cheaper ingredients to use specifically for bread for them. This is also a bonus because I am starting to Source out my own grains for the bread as well.


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