Leaving the Centralized Control Grid - entry #3

March 4, 2023

More snow and cold slowed me down

I missed a couple of days in a row of updates. I try to do my updates when I'm in town as internet is not great out here and uploading things takes time and I usually end up losing my connection and it being a waste of time. I'm trying to make sure I have these posts ready so when I have better internet I can post them easily then without much time invested. That being said on to this update.


It's a lot of work to keep warm in the winter

I spent most of the day on Thursday gathering firewood. The my friends were doing work on their roof this fall and didn't get enough firewood cut so part of my payment for staying here is cutting firewood for them. I go out a couple times a week to find dead standing trees on their property. I cut them down into small lengths that will fit in the little wood stove they have in their RV and then pile it for my friends to chop to the proper size. This is very hard work as I have to carry big logs across their property in the snow. It is also very character building and good for my body to be doing some strenuous work.


Making more indoor space for better heating room for the offspring

Friday I spent making some helping hands so I could start putting rafters up on the room I'm building off of the back of my RV. They are simply a way for me to hold the other end of a 2x6 while I attach the end I'm on. I hope the have the roof of the room completed by the end of the weekend. The purpose of this room is to put a wood burning stove in and then vent that into my camper so I can stop relying on propane for heat and start utilizing some of the wood I've been cutting for heat/energy. As I finish the initial room I will begin to add on to it. first with a shower and then adding an outdoor kitchen so I can cook efficiently again and start regularly producing my sourdough bread for bartering etc.


Hitting up a totally free and decentralized market

This morning after I finish writing this entry I will head off to the Spokane Freedom Exchange to procure some goods from my freedom minded friends though barter, crypto and silver. This exchange has changed quite a bit since I was pressured by a friend to start it. It is nice to see it taking off and growing with a permanent indoor location. My favorite thing about it is the fact that this fall and winter I pretty much withdrew from it, some of us thought it might go by the wayside but instead the decentralized nature of it has taken off and others have stepped in to fill the void. This is a perfect example of the concept of a decentralized community happening right in front of our eyes. Anyone in the Spokane area interested in attending it is the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month at the Saltroom of Spokane. Which is located at 2838 N Ruby St.

salt room.jpg

Until next time, always remember to be your own master and be in control of your own dangerous freedom. Leave others to be in charge of theirs.

deer.jpgI spooked this doe and her yearling from where they were bedding down under some trees while gathering firewood.

Find QA everywhere online!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 61800.05
ETH 2496.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64