What weird places have your chickens laid eggs?

in #homesteading7 years ago

I was putting my chickens up for the night and was going to throw them a little bit of cracked corn as a bedtime snack. I opened up the corn sack I had on top of my workbench and VIOLA!!!
My first chicken egg!!! I was pretty excited that my girls are finally laying, but I'm really surprised at the location...

It got me thinking that this would make an excellent question to ask my fellow Steemit Homesteaders.

Has this happened to anyone else?

What is the most unusual or interesting spot you've found your chickens laying eggs?

I'd love to hear your stories in the comments!


Ours have found some pretty strange places over the years! One of them was laying in a five gallon bucket that had nails in it!

So far just under the coop and randomly around outside of it! Haha not too terribly weird yet! Thankfully they also my in the boxes... lol

I do have 20 acres that they run around on... I keep looking around for a hidden egg cache... lol!

Thanks for joining in on the conversation. I moved my corn bag and thankfully she decided to lay in one of the boxes instead. 20 acres! That's awesome! I only have three.

Mine were laying in the nesting box, but now...who knows! I found a few in the hay we feed our sheep. Like @farmstead, I keep expecting to find a secret cache full of them.

Oh man, I keep looking but find none. We do have packrats, rats, and mice around here - so I imagine the cache gets raided, if there is one!

i had one hen that kept laying eggs in an unused doghouse. She got broody and hatched 9 of them

Haha well that's lucky!! I'm glad she found a safe place!

We had one that laid under the ramp going into a shed. The eggs were easy to see but hard to get to. I had to pry up a board to collect them.

Oooh my goodness that is so hilarious! AHHAHAAAA!!

The weirdest we ever had was when we cleaned out the straw from their coop and made a compost pile with it I noticed a decrease in eggs and of course we went digging through the pile and sure enough there were 18 eggs in there! Needless to say we ended up just spreading the pile all around the woods after that, they had found their perfect, safe little hovel for their nest.

This is great! I love reading all of your stories. Keep it up Steemians!

My dad has a lot of junk, and the chickens are the only beings that fit in all the nooks and crannys, so in the summer if they are not happy with the amount of hay in the coop or if the door is left open, they lay all over the place. I found some on the inside of a tire, and admist a few bags of bottles. A couple sneaky chickens layed in my garden as well, and one in the hallway (the buggers try to come into our house when the doors are open to eat dog food). Our chickens are particularily mischevious though. Luckily, now that we have enough hay in the coop they seem content laying there :P

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