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RE: Sunday in the Garden making flower beds

Hi @donnadavisart, I've been working through your posts and catching're doing some wonderful work including your garden project! It's great to see photos of the space in process.

I'm really enjoying your pandora series by the way. I don't always comment these days but it's not for a lack of interest ;-), just having to target my energy into little bits of time. Your explorations are fascinating to me - like how you took an old piece and added in the sketch for your art explosion entry, the combination of styles and the story created really speaks to me. And the whole robotic+victorian woman character is brilliant - she has so many stories embedded in her aura!
Also, I sent you a message on discord....want to facetime chat later this week to get our conversation going? Hope you're having a wonderful May day!


I know how busy you are and now with the move, I'm surprised and impressed you have given yourself some Steemit time. Though, I think it is important and is probably a big player for our 'dreams of the new virtual art scene'.

I answered you there with my email address we can start there. I've never facetimed so we shall see if I am capable, but if you guide me I can ask @winstonalden to help with the technical bits :)

Facetime is SUPER easy, you won't need my nor anyone's help, all you need is an iphone :-), I'll try you later today. Also, regarding making time for steemit - it's an essential for me in the present and I see it as a key player in my future (all of our futures!), so I am doing as much as I can to keep my relationships alive and well and keep posting even just a little.

Sorry I don't have an iphone, I just can't own apple products :( But, I'm glad we texted and I will get back with you, I just had more on my plate and by the time I remembered I was sleepy and ready for bed, where I am now. Early to be early to rise for me :)

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