Homesteading Rabbit Farming: 6 Beginners Tips for Rabbit Keeping in Farm

in #homesteading5 years ago

Let's discuss rabbit farming in homesteading. Many people keep chicken and ducks for the farming purpose. But there are people who also keep the rabbit for farming too. So here I am discussing how to keep the rabbit in the farm. Below I am sharing some of the tips that you can take a look at before you keep the rabbit.

rabbit farming.jpg

Image credit: Unsplash

Let's check out some of the tips for keeping rabbit.

  1. Make sure to buy existing little rabbit instead of breeding them in farm initially. You can get them for 10$ or more like 30$.
  2. You can buy ready-made rabbit food, or you can choose to make that at home.
  3. If there is nothing available, you can consider giving the vegetables and fruits.
  4. Make sure to get rabbit cage or form a cage within farm so that you can contain the rabbits.
  5. Cleaning the cage can be a good idea on daily basis otherwise make sure to keep that task on weekly basis without fail otherwise odor may definitely upset you and other animals.
  6. You can contain the rabbits in net in the farm as that can be often used for the chicken too in the shed.

What are your thoughts on the rabbit farming? Do you think it is profitable or reasonable activity to do in your homestead.

I hope you like this post. Do let me know in the comments your opinion on my content.


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