How to Hatch an Egg Using a Tetas Machine

in #homesteading7 years ago

Hay guys, how are you guys today? today back again I am @myart with a post about the cultivation of chicken breeding. This time I will discuss starting from the beginning how the hatching chicken from eggs using hatching tools that we can raft their own hatchery eggs.

Naturally chicken that has been laying eggs will certainly incubate all the eggs to hatch later but there is another way to incubate a chicken egg that is using egg hatch machine, egg hatching machine is actually not only can hatch only chicken eggs because various types of eggs such as duck eggs, birds, enthok and others can be hatched with this machine but the difference is at the time of hatching because some types of eggs there are different time hatching, for example, chicken eggs takes 21 days to hatch while duck eggs approximately 28 days. With this egg hatching machine hatching process can be more efficient because it can incubate dozens or even hundreds of eggs simultaneously, different if the process of hatching naturally that is by means of dierami surely the number of eggs will tebatas, for that on this occasion I will provide information on how to hatch eggs chicken using hatching machine.

Although somewhat efficient in the hatching of eggs using the machine but there are some things that affect the number of eggs that can hatch, one of which the quality of eggs that will be hatched because usually the eggs that will be hatched was previously stored in some time long enough and it will affect the quality of the egg itself because the eggs that have been stored for a long time is usually the seeds of life inside is dead so can not hatch when hatched, for that if you want to start hatching eggs using mesinteteas should find eggs that will be hatched with good quality and still fresh so that when hatched later hatch well because if the egg quality is not good and finally not hatching will definitely cause big loss for you. For those of you who do not know about how to hatch a chicken egg can see the steps below.

Before the eggs are inserted in a hatching machine, the hatching machine should be clean and free of germs by spraying hot water, otherwise you also have to fill the tub with warm water then cover with a cloth until submerged, do this test for 24 hours to be able to stable temperature ie around 103º F. After all is fulfilled then do the steps as below.

Day 1: The eggs you want to incubate are best inserted in the morning, with the bottom end and the blunt part above and close the ventilation hole.

Day 2: The egg hatching door is still closed.

Day 3: Hatching eggs are rotated 3 times a day from morning around 7, noon at 12 and afternoon at 19, in that time the eggs should not be removed from the machine.

Day 4: The egg was reversed and also cooled by opening the ventilation hole ¼ part for approximately 15 minutes.

Day 5: Same as day 4 but ventilation in ½ part open.

Day 6: Same as day 4 and 5 but ventilation is opened ¾ section.

Day 7: Same as day 4, 5, 6 but this time the ventilation is completely opened, then see if the egg looks clear on the inside, if clear just get rid of it.

Days 8 to 13: The eggs are reversed and cooled.

Day 14: The egg was turned over and cooled and then look at the eggs when the blood circle feeds the eggs off and when it appears the branched point means the egg is alive.

Days 15 to 17: Eggs reversed and cooled.

Day 18: The egg was reversed and the hatching machine will not open until the egg hatches.

Day 19: The egg starts to look cracked, and you can hang a damp cloth but do not droplet about the heat delivery pipe, this serves to add moisture to the engine.

Day 20: Eggs have started hatching, then the glass is covered with black paper or cloth to avoid being seen.

Day 21: Eggs are hatched and cloth and water tubs inside the machine are removed.

Day 22: Chicks are ready to be moved in the enlarged bok.

So information on how to incubate chicken eggs, hopefully this information can be useful and useful for all of you, so much from me @myart and thank you.


Nowadays various types of incubators are available on the market that will help you in hatching eggs. They are cheap, easy to use, portable and there is no limit on how much you can hatch eggs in it. If you loved the idea, here are some of the best egg incubators for hatching chicken, duck or quail eggs.

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