Tips on How to Cultivate Soybean with High Productivity

in #homesteading7 years ago

Soybean is an important agricultural commodity of Indonesia. The demand level is very high until domestic soybean production is inadequate and must be imported. In general, the interest of farmers to develop soybean is still low when compared to other food commodities such as rice, corn and cassava because the income derived from the farm is still relatively low.

Increasing the productivity of soybean through the improvement and application of technology is still very necessary, considering the productivity of soybean cultivation at the farm level is still low or about 1.3 tons / hectare with a range of 0.6-2.0 tons / hectare, whereas the available production technology is able to produce 1 , 7-3.2 tons / hectare. The following tips for soybean cultivation is able to have high productivity value.

Selection of Varieties

Choice of variety can use New Superior Varieties (VUB) that is adapted to agroecosystem where cultivation. Each variety has different adaptability among egroecosystems, such as wetland, moor, dry, acid, and ebb. For example, in the treatment of yellow soybeans requiring more fertile soil, it requires irrigation, and better maintenance than black soy so that the land selection can be adjusted.

Land Preparation and Planting

On dry land, the soil should be hijacked 2 times as deep as 30 cm, while in paddy fields with monoculture plants, the soil is cleared of straw, then the soil is processed once. Do not forget to make drainage channel every 4 meters as deep as 20-25 cm and width 20 cm. Drainage drainage works to prevent waterlogging, because soybean crops are not resistant to puddles. Then the cultivation is done by planting distance 40 cm x 10 cm or 40 cm x 15 cm and drawn. Each planting hole can be filled with two soybean seeds. If the more fertile land, better planting distance wider.


The dose of fertilization is given about 50 kg of urea, 75 kg SP36, and 100 kg of KCl per hectare. Fertilizer is given 2 times, that is when planting and 2 weeks after planting. If the planting on fertile fields and high levels of fertilizer is still high, soybean crops do not need additional NPK. In order for the dose of fertilizer in accordance with the specific location should be checked first using PUTS / PUTK. Fertilizer is given by stripping 5-7 cm from the plant, then closed the soil.


Irrigation is important, especially in the critical phase of soybean crops against drought that begins at the time of flower formation until the filling of seeds. Water delivery is done from the growth phase to the filling of seeds. The frequency of water delivery depends on climatic conditions and soil types. In the type of sandy soil, soybeans in water 3-4 times per month in dry season conditions. On soil containing high organic matter enough 1-2 times per month in dry season condition.


Weeding can be done during pre or post grown by monitoring, either mechanically or manually or chemically using herbicides with the right dose. Weeding can be done at the age of 15 and 30 days. If the grass is still a lot, then weeding done again at age 55 days.

Harvest and Post Harvest

The time, manner, and harvesting tools used in harvesting can affect the quantity and quality of soybean yields. Here are tips.

  • Harvest is done when all the leaves of plants have fallen, pods yellow or brown, and dry out.
  • The harvest begins around 9 am when the dew is gone. The base of the stem of the plant is cut using a jagged sickle or sharp sickle.
  • Avoid harvesting by removing, so the soil is not carried away.
  • The harvest is collected in a dry place and provided a base.

Post-harvest handling needs to receive sufficient attention from starting drying crops, seeding, drying, cleaning, and seed storage. Therefore, this activity affects the quality of seeds or seeds produced. Soybean as consumption ingredients bsia plucked at the age of 75-100 days, while for the seeds age 100-110 days, for the maturity of the seeds really perfect and evenly. The best drying is drying the soybean crops given the base of the tarpaulin.


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