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RE: Our Homesteading Vision: This Years Earthworks Plan

Wow, that's a lot to plan out and execute! I'm impressed! I didn't know that about roads needing to follow the contours of the land to avoid washouts and such. It makes good sense though!

May I recommend a porch roof or awning over your south facing large windows? It sounds counterproductive, but our last house had unprotected windows and a sliding double door facing south and it was miserable! The direct sunlight coming in was blinding and in summer it overheated the house (probably not an issue as much for you guys though!) We ended up putting up blackout curtains for relief. This house has porches, and we still get plenty of light without the glare.

You probably thought of that already since you've thought of all those other things ;) but just in case... :)


Yes, we are going to have awnings. There are actually formulas for how far they need to stick out. The idea is to have them stick out far enough that in the summer the windows are fully shaded but in the winter the light can come in and help to heat the house. The bedrooms should be on the north side where it is cooler because most people sleep better in a cool room.

Yep, been there done that on the hot bedroom thing too.

It's neat you're doing the exact same thing the folks who built our current house did...getting the property and then studying the situation awhile instead of jumping immediately into building a house. We've marveled repeatedly at how well thought out everything is!

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