Let's explore #countryroads in pursuit of free firewood!

While working at the neighboring blueberry farm a couple weeks ago, and eavesdropping letting conversation drift around me, I picked up the words "firewood" and "it's free, I'm just desperate for somebody to come haul it off."

Free firewood? When the Husband came moseying along, I pointed the man out to him, and they arranged that we'd ride out one day and investigate the situation. Last weekend, off we went! Here are some photos from the drive and our exploring. Since it was mid afternoon, the pictures don't do justice to the beauty of the area.

Heading out "the cutoff road" near our house to get to the county road

Road snack!

We drove down the county road and turned onto the road leading to the Free Firewood Property. It's in the opposite direction from where we live, and we were now exploring an unknown, and REMOTE!, area. Turned out, we had a long ways to go! The property owner met us at the bottom of the "drive" leading to the property, and we followed him up. The whole way, the Husband had been saying "I could still bring the trailer up in here", but as we climbed this road, on crazy switchbacks and bouncing over holes and ruts, we finally squeezed around a spot where he said "nope, can't bring the trailer."

First we were on gravel..."put a little gravel in my travel", check!


Then dirt. "Down that reeeed diiiiirt roooad", check! (Ok maybe not red and country music abounds with dirt road references. That's the first one that comes to mind)


Finally, just ruts.

Arriving at the destination

Some logs were piled near the old barn, but the owner has been clearing the area for pasture, and most of the firewood is lying where he felled it; look along the edge of the field in this photo and you'll see what I mean.

I foresee a lot of major calorie-burning activity in my future.

The kids enjoyed watching the cows for awhile....


....Then we walked back up the road a bit to investigate an abandoned school bus.


This kind of thing always intrigues me. Who brought this up here and lived in it? How long were they here? What was it like? Where are they now?

No sign of recent human activity

It's definitely seen better days.


Well, let's go see if Daddy's done talking yet (he wasn't.)


The Husband finished gossiping networking with the property owner, and we got in the truck to leave. Then the man offered to show us an alternate way to head out and take a different road home. More exploring!

More abandoned vehicles too!


We couldn't believe how many massive apple trees we saw. Once again, I wondered about the people who had lived here long ago and planted them


Climbing up a steep hillside, the late afternoon sun shone beautifully through the treetops

I managed to snap only a couple photos of interesting houses. If I'd been driving, it would've taken about ten times longer to get home, because I'd have stopped a lot!



Just one of the beautiful views!!


Thanks for riding along with us! :)


WOW, a great drive, and free firewood; love the pictures!

I would take the trailer into a good spot, fill the truck, transfer to the trailer, and refill the truck. Saves gas, and trips. :)

That is freaking BRILLIANT! Thanks for the tip!! The man's parents live near the bottom of the road that turns off to the property, so maybe they'd let us park it there! I'm all thrilled with this idea :)

Glad I could help!

Free firewood is hard to find, so you need to move as much as possible. I always try to save travel time, and gas, even where the scenery is so pleasant, LOL! :)

Very cool!
So did you load up,on wood?

Not on this trip; we were scouting to see exactly what we were dealing with, first :)

Gorgeous landscape!

Like yours, huh? :) (Neighbor!)

Wow. Just, wow. You live in a beautiful place!!

I agree!! It's going to be so much fun to take photos in fall :)

Love these pics! The houses look really cool and I love that bus! Just look at that old stove!! I would love to know who lived there before as well!! Johnny Appleseed planted those trees, don't you know? Looks like it's loaded down - does no one gather them? We had a ton of lemons on trees when we moved to Panama, but then we started picking them. Now we hardly have any lemons left. Wondering when some new ones will grow in. Tons of roads around here look like the ones you drove on!!

Ooh, I would LOVE lemon trees! You're so lucky! The apple trees are full of blossoms right now. I have a feeling the bears and deer get the good apples later. Some of the trees were on farms but many were just in the woods...I can absolutely see Johnny Appleseed planting them! :)

Bears?? Yikes!! That is pretty crazy that they'll eat the apples off the trees!!

Oh yes. We have a small apple tree in our yard that is leaning over, probably because of bears in the past pulling the top down; and last year it was full of nice green apples, and a bear visited one night and stripped every single one off the tree, breaking a few branches in the process. We'll have to put out a game camera this year :)

Wow!! That is really crazy!! I can't imagine it being "normal" for a bear to visit!! Ha!

HAHAHA! That was an awesome tale, I lol'd at every one of your strike throughs!!

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