Bird and deer and A BEAR! Oh my!

The bear is my entry for @knowledge-seeker’s #homesteadphotography contest:


Do trail cam photos count? :)

We hadn’t lived on our shiny new homestead for very long, before my trusty Droll Yankees bird feeder went missing. A couple days later I found it in the woods off the side of the driveway, looking like this:


A bear also dragged our trash, which we had set out for collection, across the road and busted it all open in the woods behind our mailbox. That was around the same timeframe that I had gone down to check the mail one day and startled the bear, which went crashing away through the woods. So picture me with the Husband’s .45 making one side of my (beltless) jeans sag crazily off my hip while I muttered imprecations and navigated among the “jagger bushes” to scoop a week’s worth of trash back into the can, watching the kids with one eye and watching for bears with the other. It turned out to be an uneventful incident, though.

Until the past couple months, I would take my replacement bird feeders out first thing in the morning and bring them in at night. I’ve slacked off lately, but I’ll probably have to resume that routine once the weather starts warming up!

Deer are a constant presence around here:

This just happens to be the only picture I could easily get a hold of

So are birds. This handsome fellow spent a couple days hanging around the house, tapping on the windows with his beak :)


Now that we have chickens, visitors like this are a fairly regular occurrence in the barn, along with raccoons and skunks. There’s a black snake living inside the barn too, but it doesn’t bother anything, so we don’t bother it :)

Hey, where’s my chicken dinner?

Typing this post has been interesting. This is what we woke up to, and school is cancelled...


So instead of dropping my children off at school, and Steeming in cozy peace with a cup of strong coffee at my favorite hippie hangout, while the Husband goes to an appointment—I’m typing on my phone in a waiting room, which has mightily sparked the phenomenon that Mommy is trying to WORK! Distraction and Disruption at all costs has become our LIFE GOAL! So I’ve been “that” mother ignoring her berserk children. Luckily there is only one elderly gentleman waiting and he finds them amusing. Anyway—my apologies if this seems distracted!


(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
"Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

Oh my is right! How crazy to have to deal with a bear!

That cardinal is cute, he looks like he wants in. :D

Every bit of this post is awesome! I love bears, though I don't think I'd like them destroying my things. The view of the deer and the one with the snow... 😍😍 Just beautiful!
I hope you get to your hippie hangout soon. Me time is important!

Thank you so much! Ironically I’ve been getting “me time” today—in the form of being sick! I don’t think I’ve napped this much in over 4 years!

Oh man! You didn't catch it from me, did you?! ;)
That's good that you're getting rest. I hope it passes quickly and you feel better soon!

There are so many more bears here then there were years ago. I supposed it because people don't hunt like they used to.
Our pastures are littered with bear scat and we see them frequently. We had only been in the house we just built for a couple of weeks when a bear cub walked up on our porch and literally knocked on the window. I was luck to get it recorded and posted on dtube the other day.
Luckily they are very skiddish and afraid of us. Great post.

Oh my, I can’t imagine seeing one actually on the porch! I’m sure being a cub, it was cute. We have yet to see any out in the open field, only in the woods so far, though our neighbors have seen them out in the open before. Thank you!

Oh yeah, forgot to say, they have even been discussing fining people for leaving a bird feeder outside over night in my county. They say its known to attract them from over a mile away!

WHAT?! That’s crazy! That’s as bad as fining people for warming up their cars on cold mornings. Can’t imagine a bird feeder is any worse than trash cans sitting outside; so is that going to be fined too? That outrages the libertarian in me ;)

Ha ha, sounds exactly like me when I first hear about it. I had about 15 what about this and this questions and ended on, if people want to donate their bird feeder to bears who are we to stop them. 😁

Aaahhh so cute! Is that a cardinal at your window? We have them here. I wonder what he wants haha!!
The bear....!!? That is crazy!!! I've only caught deer and turkeys on my trail cam, you win!!!

It is a cardinal, and it was so funny how he kept tapping at the windows! He did it for a few days and then gave it up. It was right after we moved in, too.

Great picture of the Cardinal in the window and as you're aware a black snake in the barn is a wonderful thing. Whats your plan for the bear?

Leave it alone as long as it leaves us alone...other than the bird feeder and trash, it hasn’t bothered anything since. The Husband has never hunted bear before but says he’s willing to try it (in season of course) if the bear(s) turn into a nuisance!

This post showed a wide array of the diversity that is around your homestead! Everything that is hanging around their is what we usually find here (except for the bears). I'd bet that the cardinal is peaking at your windows, so he can figure out when your putting the feeders back out. Overall, you have done a great job!

Great post! Sounds like a happening place!

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