GARDEN NAKED | mountain jewel uncovered

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

We're happy to break the ice and finally make a (sorta) NSFW post. Eat yer heart out!


A lot of people have been tagging us in the 7 day gratitude challenge and I promise I'm not ignoring you, but I am a little hesitant to do another 7 day challenge after the black and white one I did earlier this year! lol!

That said, I wanted to share something I'm grateful for today and reveal a little more about us, the inhabitants of this beautiful land we lovingly refer to as Mountain Jewel.

Before I met Ini, I traveled around to a lot of different communities. One of my favorite and most memorable was actually in the same state I'm living in now, but in the northern part. Some of you may be familiar with it as it's a notable longstanding Ecovillage called Dancing Rabbit.

I loved the natural builds, community dances, good food, but most of all the lake where humans from 2 to 80 would swim naked.

Of course it was "challenge by choice" and you didn't have to get down to your birthday suit, but most people did. It was so refreshing (double meaning here) swimming naked with all ages and having absolutely no weirdness around it. It wasn't a sexual thing and it was so cool to be around people and have no qualms getting naked and feeling the sweet water careen around our bodies.

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Fast forward to when I met Ini. We used to bike to a nearby lake in a pretty public area and climb behind some bushes, strip down and get in the cool blue waters. Combined with being pretty hot on this guy, the nude swimming (kind of taboo in a public place) was good ol' fashion fun. No need for awkward swimming costumes.

So I always knew I loved being naked and outside and Ini certainly loves being in the nude... put that together with our hidden jewel of a property and the HIGH HUMIDITY -68%!- AND HEAT (99 degrees tomorrow!), and...

We are naked often during the summer here....


(Here's where we switch it up and Ini takes over...)

It's at these temps when the presence of clothing really comes into question.

What do we wear clothes for?

To protect our bodies right... Our bodies are made for sweating and have amazing capacities for temperature regulation. We need sun on our skin and I don't buy into the overhyped need for constant sunscreen application, but that's another story (see @walkerland's excellent post.)

The modern obsession with clothing has some useful and interesting elements, but when it's hot (not crazy dangerous desert hot) there's nothing like feeling the sweat ooze out through your pores.. the sweet hot sun on your skin, especially the parts that are deemed private or not suitable for work.

It's like these hidden spots yearn for exposure...


Sheltered by the Wild False Indigos in the Goumi Guild | Permaculture Nudity

We are after all wild animals that have gone through a long domestication process.

Removing the taboos and associated shoulds of nudity and embracing the wild side of life.

We may be the only species who feels shame around nudity, but not having spoken with other creatures on this topic I can only assume. As a species, we have always sought protective clothing, but I believe it is only recently in an industrialized society where shame and taboos come into play. "You can't just be your human self, we must cover that up". What gets me is that NOT wearing clothing can get you arrested.

Rewild your clothing practice by opting out!


A fun memory I had was when I visited my hometown of Winnipeg several years ago. Myself and 100 others riders participated in a naked bike ride around the city.

Needless to say there were plenty of honks and hollers and the event was generally very well received. What a fun event! There are plenty of similar events organized all over and it's great to see a peaceful and collective shunning of laws and taboos.

At home in the heat, one strategy for keeping cool is to inhabit the landscape naked (maybe a hat and a pair of Vibram 5 fingers) and regularly douse myself in cold water from the well or hose. AHHHHH. Nothing like feeling the hot sun and cold water interacting to invigorate and refresh.


I've come to see nudity not as a thing, but as a choice that's based in freedom and comfort.

What's the big deal anyway? We are all born naked. Plus there's less laundry to do if you don't wear clothes ;) The one downside is not having pockets, but tool-belts easily solve this conundrum. And if I really need protection and pockets, my Utilikilt provides that without sacrificing freedom.

We are all beautiful humans sheathed in skin (our biggest organ)and that skin deserves some freedom! Are there taboos or beliefs that you hold surrounding nudity? We'd love to hear from ya'll about any practice or activity around letting your skin shine.

Banner by @radicalunicorn

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Well behaved women rarely make history.



ow owwww! i like that sun butt tat! i've always wanted a butt tat and that one's cute as h*ck!

hah hah our first night tattooing each other i gave ini that sun tat where the sun don't shine (too cheesy? lol) and he did a moon behind my ear ~~~~~~

Yeah I noticed that moon too! Also v cute, of course, but maybe it's the CHEEKINESS of the one you did that really gets my goat! 🙌

I read this post twice.. and no.. not for the images- lol
It made me think deep. Unsheathing yourself to express your love, spirituality and belief of being able to bare your soul, so to speak, can be a life-changing moment in someone's life.
Thank you for sharing yours and Ini's quest with this.

thank you for this! excellent to hear your reflections.

You guys are all in on reconnecting with nature. Thats why I enjoy your posts. You are a way for us conventional, city-dwelling, job-bound folks to dream of something different. I try to do little things in my life to re-connect and feel closer to nature. Nudity is not something that can really be a part of my everyday life. We will probably be at a beach this weekend and feeling the warm sun on our skin but with swimsuits.

☺️ for sure! Thanks for sharing your enjoyment. I hope you have fun at the beach! Yes connecting with nature in any ways we can is where it’s at 💚🌿

What fun! Another layer of you and your partner peels away, and I am even further in awe of your vulnerability–your realness. Yes to nakedness!

😄 yes to nakedness! Great to hear from you Cabe! It’s been a while 💙 connecting where we are vulnerable is so worth it ❤️

You guys look great, If You want to feel free, garden naked!

I love this post, I just did my first bike ride ever the other weekend, naked & painted with a 1000 plus people. I think everybody should be naked & see real people naked, so good for the brain and self esteem 🙈


Yessss !!! Love it!! Totally agree and looks like an awesome event u went to!! 💚❤️💙 we’re all in it together and thanks for the resteem!!

It is a sad society that makes us wear clothes. We came into this world nude but the first thing they do is wrap you up! Thank you for sharing a wonderful post!

Hmmm yeah pretty crazy huh!! Thanks for the ❤️

You can go buy many guns & ammo any day of the week, but walk around naked & you’re going to jail !

Doesn't make much sense to me!

right!!! great pt

This is BEAUTIFUL guys. And its not NSFW lol... I was worried there but you presented it tastefully. I really do want a pic of you with your toolbelt Ini.. that did make me laugh. Beautiful photos.

XOXOX weren’t sure if it was NSFW or not ;) thanks for your love 😘 we’ll get that tool belt pic for yaz! 💙🌈💚🌿

Our skin really does deserve freedom!!! Good for you for being so free 💚💚💚

heck ya! skin yearn to feel the sun rain and wind. thanks for the encouragement

In ALL of GODs glory. Praise be to YAH that yall are living apart from the wicked ways of the world. Love it!

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