Weekly Chicken Gazette Issue # 7๐Ÿ“

in #homesteading โ€ข 7 years ago

I ask myself what more can I write about these 8 chickens? After all some people would just call them fowl!



Not us. We love the gang of eight. We have come to a consensus that 8 is enough!

We have plenty of paying customers. Although we have demands for more, but that would mean trying to mix additional girls in with the original brood. This always disrupts the pecking order.

Right now the girls get along just fine, granted they have their moments, most often when broody Brownie persists on parking her butt in the nest box while the other girls are are lined up to lay their eggs.

Barney the cat called a meeting to reprimand Brownie!

A couple of noteworthy things that we have discovered over the past 2 weeks.

The Professor and Maryanne (both white Leghorns) are biologically linked. Yes, we believe they are sisters hatched and raised together. They quite often hang out or follow each other around looking for insects or other goodies in the yard.


Another kind of sweet note is when the girls put themselves to roost at night they mutter quietly to each other in whispers only they can understand. It is a little like listening to the "Waltons" saying good night to each other. Sweetpea is the first to head in for the night as she claims the nest box for her bed. Probably since she is the smallest it would be most difficult for her to get to the top of the roost. Sometimes her sister Shelley sleeps with her.


We averaged a little better on the egg collection this week right at 6 > per day. So overall that is about 42 this week.

We had our famous breakfast for dinner midweek of pancakes and eggs. Why is it that breakfast is so satisfying any time of the day?

The best thing about having these girls( besides eggs) is that they are hard workers. When we first moved here the ticks were just terrible, a battle every time we stepped out the door. No more! The girls have done a bang up job of keeping the insect population to a minimum. They do love a freshly mowed yard where the grasshoppers are plentiful.


The more we free range these gals the more orange the egg yolks have become. We have some people who claim that the eggs make them feel better. Perhaps they have even lower cholesterol than the store bought eggs. Don't have any proof of those claims, but it makes me happy to think the girls have had a positive affect on so many people that have never even met them.

Off they go into the sunset.

No purchases of note this week.

Recipe of the week!

French Toast.

Best if made with a loaf of stale French bread.
Slice bread into thickness desired and dip into a mixture of eggs beat together with fresh milk. Some people add a little vanilla to the mix.

Heat frying pan over med high heat drop dipped bread in pan. I usually cut the heat back to make sure the middle of the bread is thoroughly cooked. Flip when brown on each side.

Butter and add syrup or confectionary sugar or whatever makes you happy. Whalah!

That's it for now.

Stay tuned for next weeks Chicken Gazette๐Ÿ“
All text and photographs owned by @mother2chicks

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Chickens are the best! We are enjoying our eggs like crazy lately and it's been nice to give away some to friends! Keep up the great updates!

The best part is eating the fresh eggs and having enough to give away. The girls are always good for a laugh they are so goofy! We love them. ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

I am glad to see that your chickens are doing well and producing regularly! That's great!! Mine are not producing well, and I believe that is because of the wildfire smoke in the air. It's taking its toll on everyone and everything in the area.

I love your chicken posts! :) Thanks so much for being so good at keeping up with them!

Thanks so much for your support it means a lot to me. Glad you enjoy the chicken posts.
Wow, how awful to have to endure the smoke for this length of time! Our neighbor clears his land, digs a big hole, starts the fire and the smoke heads straight this way. Can't complain too much he helps us a lot with our land clearing activities. Let me know how you'll are doing.๐Ÿ“

Dude needs to rent or buy a wood chipper. Free-ish mulch.

Just saying...


Love this series and seeing how the girls are getting on! Oh, and I'm an 'add vanilla' fan. ;~P

Thank you @aunt-deb! Glad you enjoyed the Gazette, the girls are quite entertaining and good at raking and earning their keep with egg sales. Vanilla is good on everything!๐Ÿ“

Hi there, @mother2chicks Your posts and lovely chickens are simply delightful. We are from The Curator. (A post style magazine on Steemit) We do curating for informative, creative, entertaining, yet undervalued posts. We love your fantastic post. And we feel that it is undervalued. We would like to share it in our magazine. But first, we would like to ask for your permission to add your post to our next issue, With a picture from your post. That we will use as a thumbnail, We will share a portion of the post gifts. With the posts that we share in the upcoming issue. If you agree to this. Please let us know below this comment. At your earliest convenience.
Thank you. PostHuntress, @the-curator
And keep on Steeming your fabulous posts.

Thank-you! You have permission and so glad you liked our Chicken Gazette. Feel free to use others you may find interesting. ๐Ÿ“

Hi again, @mother2chicks Thank you so very much.
Have a wonderful day/evening.
PostHuntress, @the-curator

Thank you for thinking of us. ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

Oh, you are so welcome. And it is our pleasure.
PostHuntress, @the-curator

Thank you for letting us use the Chicken Gazette in Issue 10 - Homesteading we will have to keep an eye out for the weekly Gazette, what some fun your chickens get up too.

Thank you for including us in your publication. The girls were very excited when I read them the story. ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

Looks like some nice happy chickens! Those fresh eggs are sooo much better than store bought eggs

Thanks for stopping by. Love those fresh eggs. Sometimes you gotta ask yourself what took you so long to figure it out? Haha๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

Have you ever thought about making a chicken tractor, i guess their waste makes really good fertilizer. You make a chicken coop thats bottomless and move it daily over crop, to use their waste as fertilizer.

We have though about it, but that would be another chore we don't want. Easier for us to just let them out under supervision. At some point we will move their fenced in area around so we will have a good garden patch. Thanks for stopping by. I am all in favor of the chicken tractor for others. ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

What a bunch of little sweeties! So glad that they've helped you with the ticks, man I hate those buggers!!

It is a relief to have the tick population going down. Too watch the girls you would never guess that they can see that well. So glad they do. Thanks for stopping by. What's up at your place? ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

Ooh yeah, chickens have amazing eye sight hey? And I think their hearing is pretty good too! Sometimes I even swear mine are psychic!

Our place is going well, we have 25 meat bird chicks in the living room right now, super cute little peepers, they'll be in here for 2 weeks. Other than that, we've been saving seeds and enjoying a lot of veggie harvesting xo <3 Thanks for asking Mother 2 Chicks!

Chickens are so fun to watch and the eggs are a great side benefit!

They are a lot of fun to watch. Eggs are pretty good too. Thanks for stopping by. ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

I always look forward to your gazette! I love how connected you are to your ladies. Now that we have three flocks, its hard to keep up with names! It's always, "That ugly one." Or, "That white one with the brown spots." Haha!

I only have descriptive names for mine, and really only a few of them are "blessed" with theses! Don't feel bad! :D

We have Loudmouth, the ugly-looking pigeon one, and the 3 white angels. Nobody else has a name of any kind. Except Lloyd and Foghorn, the "men."


I have Crossbeak, my SLW Rooster with a crossed beak, asshole my white EE Roo, Little Man (bantam Langshan roo), Lady my sweet little bestie chicken EE, The Little Brownies (three Welsummers), and The Freaks/Idiots/Weirdos (four Faverolles). Lol no one else is "named".

Seriously, I could talk about chickens all day.

We can name them whatever we want, but most of the time they respond best to food. Haha! ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

I m new to your posts. Love the chickens, upvoted and following.

Well we are always glad to find someone new here. Glad you stopped by. We talk a lot about whatever makes us happy. Chickens being one of those things. ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

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