Weekly Chicken Gazette Issue #29

Welcome to the Gazette! I know many of you have been anticipating this weeks update on the hens at “Fuss and Feathers.”


It’s been a very busy week here on the homestead, the water heater went kaput, the well needed work and the water is so hard we had to get a H2O softener installed.

But there is some good news! Henny Penny has joined the flock. Dot still has attitude towards her, she still tries to peck at her and guards the food. She stands her ground and has begun roosting with the others. HP has been free ranging with the flock and laying daily. Blue seems to have become her best friend, they sit close together on the roosting bar at dusk.


I finished adding the mesh fencing to the top of the coop run, it’s now completely enclosed. Some of the Easter Eggers and Dot were able to fly out in a few areas. Had to wait until the hardware store received their spring gardening merchandise.


The Azaleas have been blooming like crazy, butterfly’s and birds are everywhere. Cardinals, Robins, Scrub Jays, Wrens, Woodpeckers and even hummingbirds. The weather has been beautiful with gorgeous sunsets.



The butterfly garden has been redone and trimmed up.


Boadie the cat met the chickens, they came up to the porch being inquisitive. She wasn’t sure what to think of them!


One day this past week I collected 9 eggs, first time every hen laid. It’s been averaging 7 a day. My customers are quite satisfied with the quality and colors of their eggs.


Did you know: A hens uterus plumps the egg, forms the shell and cuticle (sealing the pores of the egg shell) and determines the shell pigment.

Will be going to make some purchases this coming week, feed, scratch, calcium and mealworms. Hay for their nest boxes.

Stay tuned @mother2chicks for next weeks Chicken Gazette Issue #30



Quite a palace you, and the peeps have there. I bet those eggs are delicious!

Say did you wash those eggs? My girls step all over them a hundred times before I get home. Sometimes they look camoed. Is that a word?

Oh, this is getting wordy... one time one of mine layed a double shelled egg. Strange!

I have never heard of a double shelled egg. Most unusual. Occasionally we get a double yolker. I usually have to scrub the eggs cause they are pretty messed up.. ..it’s worth it cause they are so much better than store bought eggs. 🐓🐓

That's some great news about HP and your egg count! Your flowers are very pretty too. I can't wait for things to bloom around here!

Thanks @hethur240 always happy to see you. Yep the girls have their moments but they are finally letting Henny p. Hang with them. She has decided she likes being a chicken.
Don’t worry, your flowers and seedlings will soon be blooming like crazy. 🐓🐓

Love hearing all about everyone. Think I must have missed one of your gazette. My flowers are starting to show their greens. Yours are beautiful.


Thanks for stopping by. Hope you and abbi are well. Many hugs. 🐓🐓

We are great. You are on of my favorite blogs to check on. Wish I could figure out the markdown editing. Must be simple cause I do not get it.


Before you write a sentence use a # then a space in front of it. This will make the whole paragraph large bold letters.
Proof read your story before you post to see if it worked.
Thanks for your support. Many hugs.
Next lesson after you do part one. 🐓🐓

Thank you I will try it again

Beautiful flowers and the hens look really healthy and happy. Glad HP is joining the flock and has found a friend.

Thanks my friend. Did you get you camera yet? Looking for some pics to go with your writings very soon. The chicks, cats and dog are a rotten spoiled bunch of critters. 🐓🐓

No camera yet. Parcel post takes time to arrive here. It can take up to 3 months of customs wants to be a bugger about it.

Yay HP and way to go Blue! Very good news!

It looks spring has definitely sprung in your neck of the woods.

More like summer today. It has been absolutely gorgeous. Hope you are well. 😘🐓🐓

I like that chicken pen, and a very nice assortment of breeds too! I have a chicken story you might enjoy it. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog!

Yay! Success.. well done :-) so glad they're all getting along.
Wonderful update and photo's! Xx

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