Homesteader Aunt-Deb (@aunt-deb)

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

One of my favorite bloggers on steemit is Aunt-Deb. She always gives me inspiration as far as gardening goes and her sense of humor is a big bonus.

Yesterday as I was out driving I made my usual turn around and just stopped. I was watching a man that had just dropped off 3 five gallon pickle buckets by the road to be recycled. He got in his car afterward and drove off. I just sat there frozen in place starring at those 3 buckets. Thought about sticking those buckets in the car, but really don't need them.


About ten minutes later I drove on. Then today it came to ... those white buckets are one of @aunt-debs favorite gardening pots.


It's funny how things stick in your mind. She has a way of making something special out of recycled items. To me that is innovation at its finest!


I use those buckets too. They have multiple uses around the homestead. Here they sell these in the market for about $5.

Well now I could kick myself for sure! Haha! Could have made a few extra bucks. I use them too. It was just a moment in time that reminded me of aunt- deb.🐓🐓

That make me think need to go to the pub next door an collect (well ask) for some plant pots i.e. plastic tubs :)

We have to use whatever works when it comes time to grow food! Good idea. 🐓🐓

Just need some good organic compost which i am finding is hard to source here. Organic compost often comes with a label saying contains add growing aids 95% organic or word to that effect. Blooming greenwashers

Robert Frost : Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

One man's beautiful item is another man's play thing. Innovation is a good quality... @aunt-debs has possesses a great quality

She is one smart steemian. You are right about its all inhow you see it. 🐓🐓

Lol! Good eye and you're right... I would have considering snagging them, too. It's fun to see everyday things from a different view! The whole gardening/homesteading community is such a rich resource of knowledge and ingenuity, inspiration has to be the natural result. I'm so honored to be seen as contributing!

Huge hugs for the shout-out, @mother2chicks! I try to provide a little comic relief here and there, it's true. Life can get much too serious, so sprinkling in some silliness is a necessary ingredient to getting through the day, imo. ;~D

Full disclosure... This past week, I tried to figure out a way to grab a prime piece of cardboard someone had put out with their trash. Trouble was, it was on one of my dog-walk routes. I was worried it wouldn't look professional, picking 'trash' in a work neighborhood. Sigh...

It's a good thing we don't live close by cause the 2 of us would be in trouble all of the time with the recycled goodies. I have learned you have to be really fast in those exclusive neighborhoods. Lol.

Visited the community garden the other day and they too are big on cardboard. You are not alone in your quest for cardboard.
You definately keep me chuckling ! Challenging my skills along the way.

Oh, yeah, that would be a hoot!

It so great to see the cardboard going to such good use. Here's hoping winter will allow us the time to cultivate some new sources. I'm thinking the holidays could be a jackpot... IF I can figure out where to keep a good quantity out of the weather til needed.

See what happens when you 'egg me on'... ;~p

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