Just when you think you have learned your lesson!

in #homesteading7 years ago

So this is happening!
August 24th we started watching Hurricane Harvey

The hurricane isn't suppose to make landfall until August 25 near Corpus Christy on San Jose Island and then near the Rockport and Fulton, Texas area at around 10 PM CDT. For now, we are just going to wait and see. We expect a lot of rain but we're accustomed to rain here on the Gulf Coast. Harvey made landfall, meandered a bit on shore, turned around, and headed back offshore. Harvey then, like a drunk uncle, wobbled back up the coastline making His way to the South East corner of Texas where He stalled for days dumping over 50 inches of rain in a matter of days!

_August 26th tornado warning_
We don't get many tornadoes down here. The warnings aren't something to be taken too lightly but then again, there's not much to do to prepare but keep your ears open and have a plan ready. August 26th was Shabbat and didn't have anything planned but lounging around . The tornado warning didn't cause us too much alarm but we definitely kept the news channels within reach!! I don't think you ever get used to daily tornado warnings! The third day of warnings had Melissa on edge and she was already putting home school curriculum books in trash bags, Of course I thought she was acting like an alarmist. Surely nothing would come of all these warnings!
_August 27th tornado warning_

The sound of rain is such a relaxing sound. I often find myself purposefully taking naps on rainy days, however, after 4 or 5 days of nonstop rain it begins to wear on ones nerves...mainly mine! We were going crazy, went to Walmart, watched Netflix, went more crazy, grilled hamburgers...you get the picture!
_August 28th tornado warning_
Those few days and the next few are all a blur. Most nights spent running outside to check the water levels down the road. Then getting up in the early morning on the 30th to find water at the foundation of our home. Melissa was concerned but I just couldn't wrap my mind around the water rising another 3 ft to get in our home! That was just impossible in my opinion.
We were posting daily Facebook live videos with updates on our situation. We had friends and family from all over the United States wondering how we were doing and praying for our safety. Friends from Michigan down to Louisiana almost begging us to come and wait out the storm with them! All the while, I was not anticipating NEEDING to go anywhere.

If you watch the FaceBook Live Videos below, you can see that the mood gets increasingly more serious as the hours roll by. From the 29th at 4am (water at foundation blocks) to later that morning (water past first step) the water was rising fast and the atmosphere in my home was anything but relaxed. As much as I wanted to believe that "It'll never get into the house!", I couldn't be confident anymore. The water was just rising way too fast to make any predictions at this point. Rather than stay at the house and watch the stress level rise, I decided to do the smart thing and move the family to high ground. It was August 30th and we were throwing some clothes and ,of course, the home school curriculum in the back of the truck and heading over to my parental units home just a little way up the road!

How far would the water rise?

Would we be trapped at my parents house if the water rises there too?

Is this really happening?

My head is spinning but all I really know for now is that we are safe at the moment and I need sleep so I can get us through this! Tomorrow, August 31st, I will return and check the water level..for sure it wont get in the house! It would have to rise another 2 or more feet to get past the threshold of our home!

Just like so many other times in my life I am so unsure of the outcome, but so resolute in my trust in my heavenly Father to take care of my little family! I wish I could say that my faith is so strong that fear doesn't creep in. That would be a lie.
Stay tuned.
The Almighty isn't through with me yet!

Video frame capture of apiary on 29th at 3 p.m. (facing N.E.)

__ Aug 30th 3p.m. After having moved apiary up to higher ground.{facing North West} (boxes would have been LEFT in background under water at this point)__

August 28th FaceBook Live Walmart Run Video

August 30th 4 a.m. FB Live Water up to blocks

August 30th 7 a.m. FB Live update

August 31st 1 p.m. Last view of home before water level crested

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