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RE: Homestead Thoughts: On Death [VIDEO]

:( I feel like most people in our society, myself included don't know how to deal with death because we see very little of it growing up and people just don't talk about it. I think the first profound death in my life was my grandmother and I was 19 at the time! You are so right no one will wish they punched that time clock longer, it's all about family!


I think if we talked about it more, it wouldn't necessarily make dealing with death any easier, but we would at least have a framework to work from when it does come.

It's realizations like these that drove us to move out to the country, like Andrew said. No job I've ever had has ever been worth my family, I know that for sure. Thanks so much for watching and commenting!

I completely agree! Hoping for better chicken happenings in the future for you guys!

We DID just get 16 little fuzzy baby fluff-balls, so there's plenty of life on the homestead, too. :) Little Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds, and Easter Eggers, which are probably the absolute cutest of the chicks.

oh my! I can't wait until we get our chickens but it's going to be awhile. Let me know what you think of the rhode island reds vs the buff orpingtons. We originally thought RIRs were better for us but were convinced buffs would be better so that's what we decided to go with. Still have many months though, rabbits first!

The chicks are so tiny it's hard to tell. But I WILL tell you that our adult Buff Orpington hen is our favorite one. We've only ever had one, so that's not a good research pool, but she's a great forager, the only one that's laying so far, and not a jerk. :)

I hope you guys didn't lose all your buffs :( I think we are definitely leaning towards orpingtons first and then maybe later getting a breed that lays more if the demand for eggs is high!

That was the worst part... we lost all but ONE of the buff chicks, including the feisty little one that I was trying not to name. SIGH.

The adult Buff that we do have is awesome. She's a good forager and the leader of our tiny little flock.

oh no! well that totally sucks :(

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