Where You Been? - Full30 VIDEO Intro - New Website - Baker Creek Festival

Steemit has kinda taken a back seat lately with all the other things we have been working on. The homestead is busy this time of year as we get ready for spring.

Spring Is Here

The grass in the pasture is growing again and the animals are itching to get on it. The spring crops like cabbage, turnips, peas and others are popping through the soil bringing much anticipated excitement to the gardener (Me). And to top it off, Morel mushrooms are just starting to pop and so you have to keep a close eye out in the woods to make sure you get them before the the critters.

@hansjurgen is busy fencing the humanure area off to keep the chickens out. He will have a post about this soon. So nobody is standing idle around the homestead these days.

Add to all that, the spring planting festival at Baker Creek is right around the corner. We will be in Mansfield, MO May 6-7th for the festival and Jaimie is very busy getting everything organized to make that a wonderful trip. We will be there with @shalomacres and holding homesteading seminars at our tent and selling our homemade products. If you can make the trip, we highly recommend stopping by. You won't regret seeing so many people getting ready for spring.

Website Makeover

It's been over 4 years since we first designed our website and we thought it was time for a change. So I began working on a new layout and hopefully the site will be ready by Summer. Our plan is for certain content to be covered by the website and for other content to be covered on a video sharing platform. I'll go over the reasons and back story for this in an upcoming video at our patreon channel.

Speaking of video sharing platforms. We have been desperately wanting to find a new video sharing type website to upload videos to. Even at Patreon, the videos must be uploaded somewhere first and then linked over at Patreon. The D.tube site just had too many bugs and complaints from viewers. It may come around, but right now its just not a good fit.

Recently, Full30.com announced that they were going to soon open the platform up to other content creators. Up until this point, Full30.com has been invite only and only the really big youtubers were allowed to upload videos. Youtube has long made known their disdain for gun channels and restricted a majority of the channel owners from monetization.

With this recent announcement, we are preparing to move our videos to Full30 and keep certain content there. Of course, we will link and post blogs here at Steemit and continue to share with this community.

Here is the new Full30 intro video for the upcoming Channel. Enjoy, and leave a comment below telling us what you think.

So, that is the update! See you next time.


It is a pity that DTube isn't fulfilling the dream.

It has promise but the 25% reward cut is too high, particularly as videos are only retained for a few weeks before they disappear.

totally agree!

w0000t! awesome video @mericanhomestead! Sharing to twitter to show folks it is a real thing happening there!

Thanks for the tweet!

Nice video Zac! A friend of mine that has a channel that has guns in it from time to time is also moving over to that site! I am also hoping to get down to the festival and meet you and the family as well as Chris and whoever comes with him!

Wow! That video into is so well done, very engaging. I can imagine a lot of work went into creating this. Congrats on finding a platform that is open to sharing real life.

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(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

Awesome video, Zac. I am interested in seeing how full30 works out. Dtube and Dlive still lave a little to be deisred. Perhaps when they get all the bugs worked out...

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