A CSA Alternative ~ The Garden Gate Bounty Box

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

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We're moving the Homestead towards the point where we will be offering a CSA type of purchase program in the near future. I say CSA type, because it probably won't be operable as would a regular CSA, where the members pay in advance for boxes to be picked up bi-weekly or monthly. We'll probably have to host it as a Farm Stand addition to The Porch...which is perfectly fine. After folks realize that yes, we're serious, they MAY be willing to pay in advance...but, this IS Corsicana, and most haven't evolved that far yet. Healthy eating is not the dominant thought on most of the population's mind. This rural town is about ten years, or so, behind the trend towards healthier eating... our local grocery stores are now carrying more organic produce, and we are starting to see Dallas trends moving south. While the town is rural, it's not a farming town. Our soil sucks, to put it bluntly! It's a clay compostition that's probably only good for making mud huts, if that! All of my gardens are raised beds. This area is ranch land, mostly. Huge pecan tree orchards used to make up large swaths of the countryside; in fact, my own property was part of that at one time. The last of the pecan trees has since died off. So, while my target market is a small niche of the 24,500 folks who claim Corsicana as home, at least there's a target now!

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I've had this plan in the works for well over 3 years now, and it was an absolute dream for even longer! It's finally coming together, as I have full time to dedicate to it, now, and I've invested quite a bit, financially, in its future. It really IS a full time job, in and of itself! And, with my health I need a lot of help with the projects I cannot do. We have sent out the call for those who want to help with production...and we'll see how far that gets us towards our goals!

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We'll differ from a traditional CSA in many arenas, besides what's been mentioned. Another difference is that I'll offer two sizes of Bounty Box...one for the single's household and a larger family size. One problem that I've seen in most CSA programs is that it's not feasible for a single , or even a couple, to go through the box of veggies without waste. And that can help to make The Garden Gate Bounty Baskets unique! What about you? Does your CSA do bi-weekly or monthly? We're aiming for bi-weekly, with our target start date being mid-April, when the first young veggies are ready...Radishes, Spring Onions, Mesclun Greens, Baby Spinach, Baby Carrots and Beets.

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CSA is extremely popular in all larger localities as a way for folks to get fresh, organic grown fruits and veggies without a lot of sourcing it out for themselves. The CSA hub does that legwork and footwork for them, the growing, harvesting, canning, preserving, baking and sourcing! The Garden Gate will be that Hub!

We've got our early crops planted and coming up! The lettuces, spinaches, chards and kales...the beets, onions, scallions and leeks! These would be in the first of season Bounty Boxes. As the growing season goes along, the products will change as to what's fresh and in season. Each Bounty Box will have a variety of products, besides veggies! Another unique quality to our program! When our hens get to laying, we'll provide fresh organic eggs in our Bounty Boxes...This one's not ours, but resembles ours. My chicks are set to arrive at the beginning of May.

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We're going to set up a tall covered run between the two coops, to provide a protected, yet open feeling for the girls. We have huge flocks of predatory birds...God's clean-up crew, I call them...that nest in the neighboring trees. It's downright creepy when they get to circling, and my babies would be no more than tasty morsels to them! When free range becomes free buffet, it's just time to say 'no'. They can go run about while we're in the yards with them; but I cannot take a chance at just letting them take their chances.

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So, what else do we have? Just say 'Cheese'! Artisinal, organic selections of cheese...I love, love, love cheese! I'll source enough for each Bounty Basket to have a nice sized sample. That's gonna be a FUN one to source!

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The Garden Gate Bakery & Specialty Foods

And, of course, each Bounty Basket will have some type of bread, whether it's savory or sweet. Maybe both, we'll have to see how this plays out. And our home made Jams, and Preserves...cannot leave those out.

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And, I've got plans for other meal-worthy go withs for the Bounty Baskets...organic, of course! Our home made jarred meal prep sauces tie everything together so easily; with a sourced specialty organic pasta of fun shapes and sizes. And, those new fancy rice blends...the ones that come in too large and too expensive packaging...we'll repack those into normal people sizes, so it's not such a scary thing to try something new!

Anyway, I could sit here all day, and muse over what I'd wish to be...and get absolutely nothing done! The sun is shining, and there are more seeds to plant! My client for the day has been served, now it's GARDEN TIME!! Signing out, my friends...Steem on!

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