Why You Need An Herb Patch

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)

Do I really need to convince you to have an herb patch?


  1. Fresh herbs
  2. Smells good
  3. Cook with it!
  4. Great for bees and other pollinators
  5. Easy to grow

Mint Ground cover

This patch was dull looking and I thought the mint and oregano were dead. Well, don't you know it, the herbs bounced back greener and better than when I first planted them on this bed.

You can say mint is a weed with the way it grows crazy. Hardly ever take care of it and it just green up the place. The roots are incredible. I do like mint on kombucha and on iced tea. And I like mint for essential oil though I haven't tried extracting oil.

Other blogs I found online said it deters mice but we haven't noticed that. There are still mice. Some say they deter ants too but I haven't noticed that either.


This is so good on chicken. I know from back when I was a child, we used oregano for cough medicine. I don't remember how it was made so whoever knows how to prepare it and have a post about it, that'd be great to know.

This is also a good ground cover. It grows crazy and spreads easy.

Thyme and Sage

Oh thyme is a pretty one. It also spreads easy and smells really good. We like it on stews.

Way back on the patch is sage and it flowers really beautifully.

I planted some seeds of flowers here but I don't think they liked competing with the herbs. I might have to keep clearing out a spot for the flowers to grow.

No Beds? How About Pots?

If you don't have a raised bed or a garden plot, you can always have an herb pot.

I do.

And we bring it in come winter time.


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Yeah!!! Love herbs. Great post. I love my medicinal herbs. Add comfrey. It's amazing for compost. It's also known as knit-bone (self explanatory) and it's very high in calcium so egg-cellent for your hens!

I was looking into it when @thelaundrylady featured it in her post how she uses for mulch and also liquid fertilizer.

I'm debating what to get the true comfrey or the russian comfrey and where to plant it as it can be like a weed if I get the true comfrey.

It would be great for the ladies for sure!

This post has been featured in the @offgrid-online Weekly Review #7. Thanks for sharing the contents and reasons for your herb patch :)

What a surprise! Thank you for stopping by and enjoying my herb patch!

Do you have mint in the ground? I know of a lot of great uses for mint, but have been afraid to put it in the ground since it is so invasive. I only have them in pots. Have you had any issues with your mint taking over everything if you have it in the ground? Would like to just let mint do its thing naturally, but I am afraid, lol.

Lol, I know! I have them in the ground on a raised bed close to the house. It does take over the patch if I let it. Just pick a spot that you're not too concerned it will take over :P

I love little herb gardens. Although, living by myself hasn't warranted for me to be keeping a large quantity of pots.

It reminds me how little I get for spending $2-3 at the store when I can pretty much spend minimum upkeep to basically have unlimited herbs.

They don't give you enough for $2-3. You can buy the plant in pot for less than that I think. Herb pots are great :)

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