Tomatoes Peppers Chiggers

in #homesteading6 years ago

Good news

My little raised bed garden is flourishing. Had a few days of drizzles, just enough to make it humid but on the bright side, just enough to water the homestead greeneries.


That's my little raised garden of tomatoes and peppers. The tomato's an heirloom beefsteak and peppers - spicy bell pepper and hot jalapenos. Too green you think? Just wait.


Now we're talking eh?

There's some red! I like it I like it I like it.

Simple joy is one of the things I'm grateful for. It's something that starts small like a little matchstick that glows in your heart. Then it kindles the candle and makes it even brighter.

That simple joy inside your heart pushes outwardly and it manifests as a smile. It manifests as a joyful face. And that my friends is contagious. It makes everyone around you respond back in joy.

Hold On

Hold on to that joy. Because when you see something ailing your other plants, you momentarily forget about the joy and focus on the problem.

What's eating my heirloom Cherokee purple?

Crapasolas. Bug. What in the world?


Then after that, shake it off and count your blessings. I'm glad to have a place to plant food. No pesticides no chemicals.

That bugger can share my Cherokee Purple. I'll just watch and make sure the other tomatoes don't get any more worms.

These 2 fruits will be monitored and it's time to spray that neem again.


Otherwise, it's been good here lately except for some chigger bites we're still recovering from. Thanks for asking.

I'm might have to schedule my next posts through Steempeak or eSteemApp. What do you use to schedule posts?


Beautiful! :)

Except for chigger bites. Those ruin things lol

Yeah chigger bites are no fun. When we lived in Texas we didn't get any chigger bites. In Oklahumid boy they're abundant.

I get em down here sometimes. None on our property (yet) though. What part of Texas are you from?

Ahh chiggers. Those suckers take a long recovery. This thought process you have going is so me, up and down. Need to stay with the positive! Got to stay with the simple joy :)

😀 Chigger bites linger for a while, it's a bummer. But yes, stay on the simple joy!

It's always great to grow your own... and for FREE..... at some chigger inconvenience of course.

😀 Haha yes "at some chigger inconvenience". We can overlook that especially when we get a good harvest.

howdy there lovenfreedom! now those are some healthy looking plants! they're thriving. you use neem to keep bugs away? sorry, recharging my vote, it's shot

Oh gosh, don't be sorry. No worries here.

Yep, those ones on the raised bed are looking good. The soil was from the forest, mostly decomposed leaves so the plants are liking it.

Joy IS contagious. And we are so blessed @lovenfreedom - even when things are bad we have that Joy. We have Hope! So yummy eating from your own garden. Have you entered the monthly garden update hosted by our resident gardener; @simplymike?

Thanks mama! We are indeed blessed. We have joy and hope. I do hope you get rain soon enough at your place.

Haven't heard about that. I will go check it out...after I get caught up with a ton of comments to reply to :)

Caught this from reddit promo thread. I’m kinda jealous. We have so much space for veggie patches and raised garden beds, only the possums will eat everything. So to grow things, we need to invest in barriers so we get to actually harvest the fruits and veggies! Lovely post.

@lovenfreedom I really enjoyed your tomato and sweet pepper beds pictures (do you own that red tractor on the background?) and that small joy gratefulness story inside really made me feel a bit brighter. Thank you! and yes watch that worm for it not to eat all of the harvest!))

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