Crystal windows - How to combine harmony and art in your home

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemit!

This week I'm in Gary’s house. His house was built following the method of Feng Shui.

According to the ideas preached by Feng Shui, when people seek this balance with the beneficial forces of Nature, they can enjoy health, good luck and prosperity.
When they ignore them and line up with harmful influences, they may experience difficulties and obstacles that can be expressed as illness, bad luck, or indisposition.

I am quite sensitive to how I feel when I am in a certain place. I must admit that when I arrived in Gary's house I felt a lot of peace and harmony.

Feng Shui is a stream of analytical thinking with a tradition of more than 4000 years.

The Chinese masters who structured it would have realized that each natural area, terrain, or building would be endowed with its own vibration influenced by the presence of Ch'i, and would be subject to the various influences of the surrounding environment.


One of the things Gary did when building the house was to put crystals inside the walls and on the windows...

The crystals, besides being beautiful, increase the good energies of the home.

👉 When choosing, stay tuned to the properties.

Black Tourmaline helps to push away negative energies, for example.
Pink quartz dissolves bad feelings and replaces good ones.

The tip is to leave them close to the electronics.

Around this window we can see white crystal and ametist.

Feng Shui suggests seven stones

  • White crystal helps to bring peace to the environment
  • Pink quartz to attract more love
  • Agate for the vitality
  • Green quartz is used to have more health
  • Amethyst can work on spirituality
  • Critino brings prosperity
  • Onix promotes protection

On this opening of light we find pink quartz, green quartz, citrino and corals.

In addition to being good for the energetic health of the place, these decorations are really artistic!
I don’t get tired of admiring the rays of the sun pass through the crystals.
They give an invaluable stamp to the house.


On the wooden staircase that goes up to the bedroom, there is this crystal inlay that serves as a lampshade on a green lightbulb.

When night falls, I love to lihgt it. It gives a cozy and peaceful atmosphere...

I hope you liked this post. Gary's home inspired me for the day I’ll built mine.

Especially since Brazil is a country with soils rich in different types of stones and crystals. It’s good to use local resources 😉

With Love,

Also on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube 😘



Not a bro. Read the article.. or at least the user name so that you can pretend better. Maybe then someone will upvote you... but make a little effort . Otherwise , you won’t find success in Steemit. Just a little advice. 😉

Thank you!

sorry for that......for writing "bro".

Hahahah! It’s ok bro ;)

Excellent idea!! and beautiful looking windows!! I'm a follower now.
Definetely I can see how this stones and colors would bring good energy and vibes , specially for your own sanctuary.

Yes @neneandy! It' sa very a very sweet energy! Thank you.

I have never really looked into learning about feng shui... i need to read more about it... thanks a lot for the info.

I love stones, by the way. All kinds.. precious and semi precious ones... i gotta say though tgat one of my favorite ones is Amethyst. What’s yours?

Thank you so much @soykatonline!
I have for years worn pink quartz always on me. Because I felt that I needed to do some work on my heart chakra (I needed more feminine energy of compassion and peace). But not so long ago I changed it against a tiger's eye :)

ohh tiger eyes are beautiful too! another one i really like is Turmalina, i don't know the english name for it.. maybe it is the same haha .

I loved the house of Garys hehe I did not see it but I imagine it I really like feng shui in fact in my house I have a table of pure feng shui brings a lot of positive energy and fills you with peace

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