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RE: How To Get Rose Bushes From Cuttings | Cheap & Easy!

in #homesteading6 years ago

This post reminds me of one of my finest moments, many years ago, when a good friend of mine was given a bouquet of red roses by her boyfriend for their anniversary or something, so like the scorpion who cannot refrain from stinging, no matter the circumstances, I had to use this saying we have in German:
"Und ein Strauch von roten Rosen,
ist das Geschenk der Einfallslosen!"
Meaning "And a bouquet of red roses is the present of the unimaginative!"
My friend was laughing and her boyfriend was really pissed.
He was so full of himself, first because he did not forget the anniversary, which is already some achievement for a guy, and second because he had doled out quite some money for this big bunch of roses, and then I came and dissed him with one sentence.
Such a pleasant evening! 😘

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