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RE: Gardening the backyard UPDATE: Putting down straw and cardboard.

in #homesteading6 years ago

howdy there @hippie-witha-gun hey that backyard is looking good,
every plant looks super healthy, are you fertilizing them with something or just rich soil?
Where we are if we had that kind of cover we'd be overrun with scorpions! We work hard to make their isn't any type of cover of any kind
because if there is, even a piece of wood, there will be scorpions under there.
but since you don't have that problem the straw and cardboard is a tremendous idea, save tons of labor and time doing the labor!


I was telling Papa Pepper that I still have yet to find a Scorpion in the wild. Same with rattlesnakes. My neighbor who lives on the property across from us has found and killed two great big TImber Rattlesnakes so far in the last couple of weeks just from plowing his field. I go off in the woods trying to find a rattlesnake and have no luck SMH.

oh man you and papa-pepper! a couple of wildmen that's for sure!
you actually go looking for and what if you find them, what are you gonna do?

Make a blog silly! And then let them go. That's what I did with the last two snakes I caught. Take some pictures, and maybe even a short video. Did you not see the post of the big black Rat Snake I caught? Beautiful snake! He was at least 5 and a half feet long.
I even blogged that little bird I caught over the weekend. I never know what I'm going to catch next.

wow ok, amazing. yes just like papa-pepper and it freaks everyone out so that's great to make a name on here!

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