in #homesteading6 years ago

One of the things on the list to get done today was to do some more companion planting in a few garden beds. These beds already have some early spring crops like lettuce and cabbage in them.

The beds are pretty much full but I like to squeeze out as much space as possible. So in between the lettuces and cabbage I sewed some carrot seeds.

An indicator for me to plant more carrot seeds is when most of the last batch I sewed are sprouting. This will give me a staggered Harvest of carrots. Which works out well for me since I'm doing a small CSA and a roadside stand. I will have fresh carrots every week instead of one big Harvest.

The cabbages aren't growing as fast as I was hoping they would. We've still been having a few nights where the temperature drops into the upper 30s. When the temperatures stay in the upper forties overnight is when these plants will explode!

I'm not expecting a huge Harvest out of the carrot seed I planted in between the spring crops. I just don't like seeing bare spots in my garden beds and I know if I don't plant something there something will eventually grow their that I don't want.

Here's a saying I really like. Mother nature is modest and doesn't like bear soil so if you don't plant something there to cover her up she will and it probably won't be what you want.

Tomorrow I'll be doing a presentation at Kernersville Earth Day. It'll be on the seven layers of a Food Forest. I'm looking forward to it and think it's going to be fun. Wish me luck!


FOLLOW ME AT: @hopfarmnc

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Great post,, i landscape for a living and do gardening for profit on the side by co hosting gardens and selling at farmers markets and i do lots of companion planting like potatoes for instance they dont form potatos until late in the summer so in the start of summer i grow radishes inbetween the hills so that i can pull a crop of radish out to sell long before potatoes are ready. I like finding other gardeners here so fell free to stop by my blog, ive left you a vote and a follow

Thank you! Companion planting can be a great thing. Radishes with your potatoes that sounds cool.

everything thats slow growing i try to put radishes or lettuce etc something fast growing in the rows inbetween to get a fast harvest outta to sell before the other stuff is ready to make best use of my space

Hello! I once plated a carrot into a shallow container. It couldn't grow down, so it grew outward. It looked like an orange turnip. Tasted good though.

You guys are way ahead of me. I am still fooling around with building stuff on my homestead. Maybe I will get a tomatoes, and squash going soon, I hope!

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