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RE: San Diego Garden Journal March 2019

in #homesteading5 years ago

A yummy post indeed. Specally the eggs. I miss that from my childhood. We had a big patio where we could grow even oranges and had all kinds of domestic animals.
You have a well-kept and organized garden. Such a variety of plants.
It feels good to be able to provide for ourselves all we need for a healthy diet, including medicinal plants.
The irony of my country is that when things were going well, people were able to build their houses the way they wanted and sacrificed dirt, playgrounds and gardens for extra rooms and garages, and the like. Cement/concrete covered it all. Now there are few houses with dirt to plant anything, and now we are urged to cultivate our own food.


I hear you!! People here also are building big houses and no land left. My house is very small compared to most everyone else's - but I rather have a big yard than a big house.
We had a Permaculturist from Cuba come to San Diego and he talked about how people had to learn to grow their own food after the fall of the USSR. Many community gardens had started and people are growing food in all kinds of containers and everywhere.
I hope you have enough people left who know how to cultivate food. The good part is that there are so many intensive methods now and so much can be grown using aquaponics and hydroponics. For that, You don't need dirt...
Wishing you all the best and hope that you will participate in all Freewrite House Contests and activities. Maybe that can help a little...

Thank you. Well, about the cubans, we have had our fair shared of their wisdom. They seem to do well in apocaliptic scenarios. The Castros made sure Venezuela would be un ruins so that their advising and tech support would appear as heaven-sent.
We did have our attempt at urban farming. The government event created a ministry for that. It did not work.
There is still plenty of good land and people to cultivate it, but when government controls everything, expropriates land and then ruins it with corruprion and ineficiency, it is mighty difficult to catch a break.
I'll try to catch mine with the freewrites and some of your contests. Need to focus

I hear you. That guy was not a Government guy at all. He was/is a Permaculture teacher and was here to promote an international Permaculture conference that was held in Cuba -at a time when it was still illegal for Americans to travel to Cuba on their own - maybe it is again, I don't know. but he told us how hard it was and that people were starving.
I so hope that your country recovers faster.

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