
It will work for you. Find some wheat straw or bags of mulched leaves at your local recycle center. Put down some manure and throw all those mulched leaves or pine needles, wheat straw or whatever you can find (that doesn't have grass seed in it) on top to cover it. The ground will become soft. TRUST ME. Add things like red wiggler worms or mushroom spawn under your covering to give it even more life! It will work!

You said you have clay soil there too, right? So is the concept to add all these things to build up and create new soil? Or does this essentially change the soil that’s already here?

It does both build and create new soil. 4 years ago we started this approach in a new garden area, the soil was red clay. After 4 years the level of black soil in 2-3 inches and has never been tilled. We leave the roots in the ground and cut the tops of the plants off in the fall. Zac is communicating some good stuff here!

I will have to give this a shot! Thank you everyone for the info.

I'm sure you can get this to work for you. The key concepts are to keep your soil covered at all times and to have a living root in the soil at all times. I started by covering my entire garden with wood chips which was a mistake because it takes about 3 years for the chips to breakdown but is was worth the wait the soil is amazing now. I learned a lot form this guy on youtube ( also google "back to Eden garden" for Paul's garden tours he is inspiring.

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