We’re in a Mild Drought - October 16, 2019 @goldenoakfarm

I read this Thursday morning as I sat listening to a wild storm outside that had raged all night and was supposed to go on all day:

“Scattered storms, a patchwork of drying conditions since May, above normal temperatures, the tenth warmest summer on record, and quick-moving cold fronts producing only light rainfall have all lead to drying conditions across the Commonwealth. As a result, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Kathleen Theoharides today declared a Level 1 – Mild Drought in the Connecticut River Valley Region…”

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Our valley runs right up the center of the yellow strip. I knew we’d had a few dry periods during the summer, when I should have watered but didn’t due to construction, but nothing died or looked awful.

But apparently the higher temps, that prompted us to put the air conditioner in the living room window, were adding to the drought conditions. We’d had enough rain to sprout my wildflower seed in September. I think I watered twice. And the grass that was planted just after Labor Day has come up beautifully and I never watered.

I’m hoping that we will continue to get regular rain and the drought will resolve. It has been colder this autumn than in the past few years. That dries things out too.

And outside, the chimes are ringing crazily and the storm rages on…

Source: https://www.morningagclips.com/drought-conditions-in-connecticut-river-valley/


It kind of makes me laugh, August was a pretty mild one over here in eastern mass. I think they are full of bs. Sure it didn’t rain a hell of a lot during the summer but it rained a fair amount, it adjusted my plans quite a bit! Too much fear mongering.

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