Smoking Bacon November 16, 2018 @goldenoakfarm

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My husband supervising the smoking

Yesterday we spent the day on bacon. It had been curing in our fridges since the week before. The first thing was to wash the salty cure off. This was much harder with the herb as the long rosemary leaves stick to the fat.

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Washed Herb bacon

We washed them into bowls in the sink to keep the salt out of the septic system. We dumped the bowls into buckets and these were dumped over the bank in a designated waste area.

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Washed maple bacon

We washed the containers and the lids used to separate the pieces and dried them and the bacon slabs.

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Maple bacon for smoking

The bacon is real lean this year, due to the pig being sick. My husband prefers lean for smoking, so he selected the pieces he wanted for that. They got the maple cure.

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He’d gone out early and set the smokehouse up.

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Yesterday he had split some of his hickory stash and set it to soak.

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While my helper friend and I got the bacon washed and ready either to freeze or be smoked, my husband got the smoker stove going. It was so cold out there he ended up smoking at 60F instead of the 80 – 90F of previous years.

The bacon slices far better when frozen, so the bowls and boxes went up to the barn freezers for overnight. Today we slice and package it.

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Omg yum!

Mouth is watering bigly

Love the smoker, did you get any picks of the inside? Would love to see it set up

Posted using Partiko Android

What a great post, thanks for sharing it, i built a little mini one a few yesrs bsck for smoking chillis, sweet peppers and cheese as it was a cold smoker never tried meats. May have to dig it out and fix it for next year 🙂 keep up the great work

Posted using Partiko Android

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