Pretty Peppers

Chiltepin peppers from Rick1 crop Sept. 2018.jpg

My helper friend, a self avowed “pepper-head”, brought me these pretty peppers to dehydrate this morning.

Chiltepin peppers from Rick3 crop Sept. 2018.jpg

He described them as a Chiltepin cross. They were supposed to be straight Chiltepin, but they are far too big. Chiltepins are the size of a pencil eraser.

These are up to 3” long and have a very delicate, soft skin. He suspects the other parent was a Korean chili, which also has a soft skin.

He says the heat is pretty mild (he better be right!) for a cayenne type pepper and I plan to turn them into cayenne powder. He did suggest grinding them in a mortar and pestle outside though…upwind…

Tomorrow it’s supposed to cool down, so I can run the dehydrators. I hope they don’t blast us out of the house….

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We got so many portugal hots this year. I'm thinking a dryer might be a good idea. They dry naturally, but I think half might rot before they dry.

Around here with the humidity between 75 - 100% most of the time this summer, it all would have molded. The dehydrators save the crop!

Sounds like one is in our future. I can't wait for the day when our basement is fully functional and we can have proper vegetable storage, a chest freezer, seedling growing areas, and aquaponic lettuce. It's all in the plan...

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