More Empty Gardens - July 10, 2019 @goldenoakfarm

East - giant allium, bleeding heart, iris, verbascum crop June 2019.jpg
East garden in June

So we resumed digging on Tuesday morning around 6AM and worked until 10, when it was too hot. We moved the sedum, chrysanthemum daisies, white iris, snapdragons, lovage, Canterbury bells and verbascum.

Big garden - horehound, white iris, Sylvia violet, catnip crop July 2019.jpg
White iris and Sylvia violet with horehound behind and catnip in front

Big garden - lamium, tr. lamium, lungwort, Sylvia violet, veronica, sedum crop July 2019.jpg
Lamium, trailing lamium, lungwort, veronica, sedum with cleome behind and garlic on right

Big garden - liatris, bleeding heart, species spiderwort crop July 2019.jpg
Liatris, bleeding heart, species spiderwort

Big garden - white iris, snapdragon, daisies, goldy chrysanthemum, blackeyed susan crop July 2019.jpg
White iris, chrysanthemum daisy, snapdragon, goldy chrysanthemum, black-eyed Susan with Echinacea on right

Big garden - portulaca, allysum, evening primrose crop July 2019.jpg
Portulaca, allysum, evening primrose

Big garden - perennial hollyhocks crop July 2019.jpg
Perennial hollyhocks

They all look unhappy, as it’s been very hot. They are mulched as heavily as I dare, and watered thoroughly. Hopefully they will survive.

East - cleared out crop July 2019.jpg
East garden cleared out

V garden - geranium, hollyhock, giant alium, lily of the valley crop June 2019.jpg
V garden in June

V garden - almost cleared out crop July 2019.jpg
V garden nearly cleared out

There’s 5 bulbs and a huge geranium to move out of this one. Then in whatever room is left in the Big garden, I will move a huge chunk of lily of the valley that has a lot of bulbs in it, some of the hybrid spiderwort, and some of the violets and creeping thyme. Then these will be done.

I’ll have to start clearing another large space in the Big garden for transplanting the azalea and the quince, when the contractor shows up, sometime before the 22nd.

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