How Our Pigs are Doing

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Remember these 2 little girls who arrived in mid May??

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This is what they look like on September 1st.

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This spotted gilt will be our freezer pig come early October.

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They’ve both filled out nicely.

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This is her littermate, also a gilt. This is the one we will sell.

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They were pretty skittish when they arrived. We guess they weren’t handled gently where we got them from. They have calmed down a lot and we can now walk in their stall without them bolting in terror. We can walk right next to them, and sometimes they even come up to us, for a sniff.

And of course, they find all the activity, if done when it’s cool outside, very interesting and needing supervision.

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But mostly they spend their time in their mud wallow, as it’s been very hot here all summer.

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Woah, they look awesome!

At what point do you consider them big enough to process? Is it a certain size or age or what?

The ideal weight for butchering is between 200 -225 lbs. My guess is they are around 175 right now.

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