December 12, 2018 @goldenoakfarm

Male Cardinal in vines5 crop Feb. 2011.jpg

It was 10F yesterday morning at 6:30 and fortunately the wood stove wanted to burn. The birds have found the feeders, but we’ve not been able to get a decent photo yet, so this one of the cardinal from a few years back will have to do. There’s a male cardinal out there, but no luck capturing him yet.

My husband went out once it warmed up a bit and moved 2 truckloads of gravel that had been delivered the night before. He had planned to go hunting, until the trucks showed up. It’s been so cold at night, and he only has his small tractor to move it. He’s afraid if it is left, it will freeze down and he won’t be able to move it. So, no hunting….

To compensate, he’s planning to go deepsea fishing again and get more pollock for the hens on Friday.


Because I can’t drive, and have help coming in 3 mornings a week early, I haven’t been able to start back at the gym. I go to the gym between November and April 1 to maintain my muscle tone so I can start back at work in the spring.

Because of the Lyme, I can’t go on 2 consecutive days, I must go every other day. I avoid weekends at the gym, too crazy. So that leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday. My help arrives at 8:30 so the time I have is from 6:00 – 8:00AM. No way is my husband getting up that early 3 times a week to take me.

I have found from experience that trying to do any sort of workout at home doesn’t happen. Too much distraction, and no commitment, like if I had PAID to go to a gym.

So I have put posters up around town in hopes that there is another person who wants to go to the gym, is an early riser like me, and wants incentive. No takers so far…

Movie inventory crop Dec. 2018.jpg

My latest projects have been finishing the newsletter and Christmas cards and inventorying and organizing my movies collection. I’d gotten a whole slew of movies at tag sales this autumn and they needed to be put away. I was sick of the towers in my living room.

Seed inventory crop Dec. 2018.jpg

This morning my intern comes and we are going to do a seed inventory. Mostly I only need to know what herbs and Walla onion seed I have. But it will be a good experience for her to do the whole inventory process.

That involves sorting the jumble bags from the summer into flowers, vegs, and herbs. Then setting them up alphabetically and listing them and how much is left in a packet (guesstimate). At that time we check dates and discard old seed.

Then they get sorted back into the starting date bags for each type, ready for seed starting in March. This should keep us busy all morning as she’s only here today for the morning.

Not a lot new here on the homestead, just quiet easy times. Time to read, to enjoy lights, to watch movies, to run easy errands, do simple projects.

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Beautiful shot of the cardinal!

Thanks! It's from a few years back. The cardinal is still out there, we see him, but no good shots yet...

Busy busy busy as always! The cardinal photo is lovely. ♥
Good luck with your workouts! It can be tough to get started, but it is worth it!

So far no replies to my posters, so I haven't been able to go....

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